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Ok sorry but before we start the story I would just like to say that this was co-written by Eilish Mccormick and you can get to her profile by the below link. Thanks and I hope you enjoy. 



The sun was shining brightly on two people as they walked down a dirt mound, heading towards an immense expanse of brown water. They were talking and laughing as they walked around to the metal cat walks that poked out from the dusty shore. When they neared the end one of the two broke into a run and jumped off the end, plummeting into the deep cool water. The other looked down hesitantly, and, seeing her looking up and laughing at him, jumped off into the water. They floated there treading water, arguing whether they should go again, when out of the water rose a huge, jagged claw. It grabbed the boy before any of them could move, then dragged him, screaming, down.

The girl stared at the place where he had disappeared for a few seconds, watching the bubbles floating to the surface. Then she dove down to try and save him, but it was too deep, her hands groped only the wood chips that floated on the surface. She tried again and again until the fear of the monster beat her. She ran out of the water, which sprayed from her on either side, glimmering in the sunlight. She sprinted back in the direction of her cabin, not noticing the stream of red rapidly staining the surface of the dam beyond her.

The girl jumped the fence back into the grounds and ran as fast as she could. She stood at her cabin, gasping for air, then began turning in frantic circles trying to find someone who could help. She saw the head instructor and raced up to him and began to pant out her story, but he merely sighed. The boy had a reputation for running away whenever he got the notion.

The girl then ran from instructor to instructor telling them what had happened, but none believed her, and not until she got to the nurse did she realise the gash on her leg. As she sat letting the nurse patch her leg she realised that all hope of vengeance and safety were lost, she would just have to keep going and pursue her career, which in turn could help her uncover it. And what it was. 

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