Chapter 1.

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As the wind bellowed through the trees, not much could be heard in the city of Darkwood, other than the occasional scream of a southerner who walked down the wrong street. It was prayer time, and everyone in the city were in one of the multiple temples which sprawled the landscape, everyone except the soldiers guarding the town, the cows in the fields and of course... Felix. 

Felix had a knack for getting himself into sticky situations, however this time, he had outdone himself, he was hiding in a small old stone cottage just outside the city walls, "I can't stay here for long" he thought as he went to clamber up onto the rafters, he knew  that this would be the first place they would look but didn't have time to leave now. Thinking it would be safe to do so, Felix slid his hands through the decrepit old thatching on the roof, parting it slightly as to see out. Unfortunately for him, as he did so, a Corporal in the city guard locked eyes with him, fearing the worst Felix dropped onto the wooden floor, creating even more of a scene, then went out the back and started to run. The guard called the others to the shack "LADS! I've found him" he shouted to his men, in a thick Talian accent. Felix scoffed at the guard, the Talians (natives of the neighbouring province- Taliastead) might as well have been shit on the ground for all he cared, after deserting his countrymen in the Six Year War.

Now being pursued by four or five guards, Felix started having a bit more fun, you see, it is times like this where the boy really comes into his element. He was a clever lad, but he preferred causing trouble to any kind of academia, this was shown in the multiple expulsions from the schools around Darkwood. Luckily, Felix came from a moderately wealthy family, so a private tutor could be provided for him. His father had gained reputation as a young adult, when he fought for the king decades ago against the Asylians. As Felix wound his way through the forest, he couldn't help but remember what his father had told him the night previous, he had been warned that if he were to cause this type of trouble again, he would be sent to Amara (two provinces over), to live with his aunt and become a fisherman, not a prospect he really enjoyed the thought of, he was never quite fond of the smell. This time, though, Felix had a feeling that he wouldn't get caught. He sprinted down the track which lead back round into the west entrance to the city, he quickly turned to see if they were in sight, lucky for him, they were all winded from running in their thick steel armour, which may have been outdated but was the best for dealing with the beasts which, frequently enough, visited the town. 

Felix started towards the river, knowing that once he got to the banks, he would be able to hide in the vegetation. As he lay in the greenery, he noticed a pain coming from his leg, he had run through a letharno bush, notorious for thick spines and being coated in venom. After studying the wound, he realised that the bush he had run through was barely more than a sapling, "thank the gods!" he exclaimed, this meant that the venom would not kill him, it would render him unconscious for a number of hours. This made him nervous, nightfall was approaching and it is not great at the best of times to be alone outside the walls, he knew he was in serious danger "that damned bush! what in hell am I going to do" he mumbled to himself, when out of the corner of his eye he saw the city guards... "fuck" said Felix, realising he would need to hand himself in, "hey, Tally!" he shouted, 'tally' being a derogatory term for a Talian, the corporal looked over to see his his royal blue jerkin being waived in the air. The corporal, obviously thinking this is a trick calls the other guards over, before slowly beginning towards Felix in the bush. "Come out boy!" ordered the guard, "I cant" replied Felix "I've been stung by a letharno!" the city guards proceeded towards him, and once around the shrubbery, had their pikes pointed towards him, to ensure he wouldn't move. 

The guards helped him to his feet, well... foot, and waived to the battlements, signalling to bring a cart. "why'd you run" asked a guard, Felix began explaining what his father had said "I just don't want to disappoint him again" he concluded. "wont be much chance of that" said another, whom the corporal swiftly whacked around the head. "what do you mean?" Felix challenged him, to which the corporal replied "don't worry about it son, just wait 'til we get to the City Guard room". Felix began to wonder what he had actually been taken in for, they didn't seem to be as rough with him as they had before, and they most definitely didn't seem to know about what he had just done.

The cart arrived, accompanied by an officer, looked to be a captain or lieutenant but Felix wasn't sure, he had never really understood the ranks. On approach the man extended his arm, not sure what was going on, Felix extended his, as social protocol demanded "my name is Lieutenant Maon, I'm a Medical officer and I'm here to make sure you are okay. It's nice to meet you", once his wrist had been embraced by the young officer, he was invited to sit on the cart, to reach the city. After helping the bleeding boy onto the cart, the officer drew a vial from his side pouch and rolled up Felix's trouser, Felix, worried as to what he would do, tried to remove his leg from the man's grip, but it only tightened "don't be frightened young man, this is eldaroot sap. It is the natural remedy for a letharno sting." Felix, looking relieved, lay back on the cart, awaiting the pain of having the spines removed. 

As he lay back, he watched the sky, noting how the clouds sat across the heavens, following them, as they drifted across the azure until they finally disappear into the ocean. He had never realised how beautiful this place actually was, though now that he could be leaving, it comes rushing to him, like a wolfern to its prey. "argh!" he shouts, as the Lieutenant ripped the thick wooden spines from his leg, which was now soaked in blood. "stop being such a child" exclaimed the young officer, Felix looked confused, the doctor said he was there to help him, but didn't seem to care that he was in pain. This started to play upon his mind, along with the city guards not acting in their usual way. He knew something was up. "what's going on?" demanded Felix, "what do you mean?" replied the corporal, who was watching as the spines were being removed. "you haven't been rough with me, the Lieutenant is here to help but doesn't care that I am in pain... I know something is going on and if you do not tell me I shall run again" the corporal chuckled "you wont be running anywhere kid, and I think you best stay quiet until we are back inside the walls". Felix stared at the corporal, trying to seem fearsome, however just making him laugh more. 

Upon their return to the city, the men carried Felix into the Guard room, where they sat him down to wait for the Chief to arrive to talk to him. The others left Felix alone, as he looked around the small room, the walls were a depressing grey, made of stone bricks, seemingly deteriorating and the iron bars across the windows were rusted, presumably ineffective. As he swung on his creaky wooden chair, the door opened to reveal a large figure, almost taking up the entire doorway. As he entered, the man's buckle and collar shone in the light, he wore the uniform of an officer of the Kings Northern Guard, the same men who fought tirelessly for the six year winter, to hold off the Asylians before the southern reinforcements could arrive. Felix was impressed, this man must be the one in charge. "Felix Caimbeul?" inquired the well dressed officer, "yes, sir, that's me" replied Felix. The man shook hands with Felix, before perching on the side of the large oak table, in the room. "Felix, I'm Colonel Greyson, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you." Felix's heart sank, he knew this couldn't be good. "Earlier today, your father was in the town centre on his way back from the temple, when he was struck by a hammer. The culprit was apprehended immediately, he had been attempting to rob your father, when he lost his nerve and murdered him" the Colonel saw Felix go pale, his mouth hung open in disbelief, as his eyes glazed over, the Colonel attempted to comfort him "I know this must be a shock, there's not a lot I can say. Your father was a great man, he served under me during the battle of Darkwood and he really did earn the honours awarded to him". Felix was speechless, his father was all he had, since the death of his mother and sister, "what will I do now?" questioned Felix, feeling empty. "It's probably best you stay with the Sisters tonight, they will be able to help mend your wound. Then in a couple of days when you are feeling a bit better, I will come to your house and we can talk about what you want to do from there" said the colonel, knowing that it would be unwise to let him be alone that night. "thank you sir, I will see you then, then" the officer left, giving Felix one last nod as he headed out of the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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