[Chapter: 1]

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Chapter: 1||

"Mr. Brown, you wanted me sir?" I asked shyly.

"Ah yes, Penelope come with me," he said, leading me through the huge glass double doors.

My heart thudded with each step, today was a very important day for me.

I knew exactly where he was taking me.

My boss was led me down the narrow wooden hallway to the Conference room.

When we reached our destination, there were three guys sitting on one side of the long table.

"Are you sure you're ready Ms. Brooks?" Mr. Brown questioned with a nervous facial expression.

"Definitely" I said firmly as he nodded and motioned me to sit down on the opposite side of the table next to him.

"Alright fellas, what do we have today?" He said putting on his glasses as they handed each of us a copy of the file.

The guy in the middle cleared his throat & began to speak

"Case number 693, 24 year old, white male, hazel eyes, 5'8, 152lbs, identified as Jacob Sartorius, who is accused of murdering 53 year old Pablo Garcia."

"Okay and what do we have so far?" My boss asked, furrowing his eye brow.

The one facing my left spoke.

"Um.. as far as now... nothing sir" he said silently.

I sat there awkwardly not knowing what to say or do, my mind was completely blank.

The room was silent, Mr.Brown just shuffled through the paperwork.

"Interesting" Mr. Brown finally spoke out.

"It says that Mr. Sartorius claims that he knows nothing about Mr.Garcia and has never heard of the man in his life, is that true?"

"Well .. we um believe so sir," the guy on my right finally said.

"Alright, thank you fellas, you're dismissed," he said gathering all the files together while the men left.

I was as nervous as ever, my palms instantly grew sweaty.

"Ms. Brooks?" He said rising from his seat.

"Yes sir?" I instantly replied, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Do you think you're ready to take on this as your first case?" He asked.

Not at all.

"Absolutely sir." I nodded flashing him an wide smile.

"Great, you will then be meeting with Mr. Sartorius this evening at 6:00pm sharp, see you then" he said in a serious toner, while shaking my hand.

"Looking forward to it, see you later Mr.Brown." I said while politely exiting the Conference room.

What did I just get my self into? Was I really ready?

I quickly walk to my office, with my heels thumping the floor a little harder each time, I was quite afraid of what was going to occur tonight.

So if you haven't noticed, I'm Penelope Brooks, 23yrs old, and I'm a new Case Detective here at Crime Stopper Headquarters.

"Alright Mr. Sartorius, my name is Detective Brooks, and I'll be questioning you today."

I internally felt butterflies at finally being able to say I'm "Detective Brooks".

Not a sound came out of his mouth, he just simply glared at me. I was taken aback, usually the criminals act innocently, trying to sweet talk themselves out of the situation.

"Okay, well um Mr. Sartorius, do you recall a man named," I paused for dramatic effect, "Pablo Garcia?"

"No." he said bluntly. His eyes scanned me up and down. It was like he was... checking me out?

I felt my face heat up a few degrees.

"But I do know that if I'd known him, he wouldn't be as attractive as you." He said,not even smiling.Was he serious?

"Mr. Sartorius, I'm going to need you to be serious here" I said, fixing my hat showing that I was sophisticated and mature.

"But I am serious," he said blankly.

Am I blushing? Oh my gosh, was his voice that heavenly a minute ago?

"Anyways" I said, trying to stay on task, "where were you on the night of August 19th, from 8-11 p.m.?"

"Ah, geez, I dunno, probably at home with the guys" He shrugged.

Of course, he was gonna be one tough cookie to crack.

"Are you sure it was around the time 8-11pm?" I questioned furrowing my eye brows.

"I think so" he said.

"Okay, moving on" I said, I knew he wouldn't crack that easily.

"So, about your financial situation, Mr. Sartorius? I heard you're in need of some money since you got fired from your job. Mr. Garcia had an awful lot of money, some he didn't even use."

He sat up quickly and responded, "'look, that isn't any of your business, and stop bringing that guy's name up, I already told you, I don't know him. "

A bit of anger swirled inside of me. I knew that he knew something.

"Admit it! You do know him, if you didn't, why are you getting so worked up about it?" I said, raising my voice.

"Ooh,feisty huh?"  He said with a smirk.

My cheeks flared red at this point, I don't know if it was the fact he was making me furious, or the fact that he likes that I was furious.

"Okay, fine clearly this isn't going to work out today." I said, surrendering. "We're done for today, but when I come back tomorrow, you better talk Sartorius." I say demandingly as I gathered my papers.

"What ever you say. " he said shrugging.

"I mean it"

We were dismissed and I sigh in relief that my day is almost over.

That didn't go so well, I didn't get any new information whatsoever ever, but let's just hope that tomorrow goes well.

I clock out & head home.As darkness overcomes the town I settle in for the night and can only think about what awaits me tomorrow.
End of Chapter 1💐💞 how was it? Let me know plz!1! Don't forget to vote/comment honiessssss🍯 Until then...
Love & Kisses- Arie🌸

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