When life gives you apples.. I mean lemons.

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It was a typical sunday noon for Bragi. As he lay down on the lushes of greens in the field accompanied by his harp, he yawns once in a while and tries to sleep.

"Life is boring"

Bragi always do the same thing everyday. He entertains his fellow gods by singing or saying beautiful poems. Somewhat he's getting tired of this routine. He saw Odin's ravens, Huginn and Muninn flying towards him.

"It's time bragi", said Huginn flying infront of him

"Going to Midgard I see"

"Well, yeah. Job is job you know. We're here just to inform you that there will be a mini gathering in Odin's hall and I think it will start any minute now"

"Oh right.. thank you."

The two ravens flew away as he got back to his feet and headed to Valhalla (Odin's great hall). The hall was full of elegant decorations. Foods were placed on the long table at the side to give way to the dancing dieties on the center of the hall.

"What's happening?", Bragi asked Heimdall sitting next to him

"Oh just a mini-party"

"A mini-party? for what?"

"I don't know either but rumors says that Midgard was more peaceful than usual"

"Well I guess that's worth celebrating for isn't it?

Heimdall chuckled and drink his juice. Bragi looked at every deitie in the hall, "where is she?". He sighed as the music stops and all the deities looks at him and starts to chant, " Sing! Sing! Sing!". The young Bragi smiled, walks to the center while holding his harp.

There is someone out there for me

I know she is waiting so patiently

can you tell me her name?

This life-long search is gonna drive me insane

How does she laugh? How does she cry? What’s the color of her eyes?

Does she even realize I’m here?

Where is she? Where is she? Where is she? Where is this beautiful girl?

Who is she? Who is she? Who is gonna complete my world?

Where is she? Where is she? Where is this beautiful girl?

Who is she? Who is she? Who is gonna complete my world?

Dadadadadada dadadada dadadadadada where are you?

All the gods and goddesses sighed as the young Bragi sings. Everybody was shocked including Bragi, whose playing the harp. There's this goddess,

"I’m staring out at the sky

Praying that he will walk in my life

Where is the man of my dreams yea-yeah

I’ll wait forever, how silly it seems

How does he laugh? How does he cry? What’s the color of his eyes?

Does he even realize I’m here?"

Bragi looked around, looking for this goddess. "Oh, c'mon. Appear before my eyes", He thought. As the song goes on and on, they didn't notice that they're already singing in duet.

The song ended, everybody in the hall clapped their hands but still Bragi didn't know who is this mysterious goddess. "I need to find her"

He stood and passed through the crowd. There's this beautiful goddess whose standing near the door, holding a basket full of golden apples. Her golden hair flowing on her beutiful dress, smiling.

"Oops.. I'm sorry Bragi for interrupting your singing", nearly laughed.

"Nah, Its okay. Its beautiful actually, YOU'RE beautiful"

Idun blushed, rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Unbelievable", Idun replied. the two laughed.

"I guess life isn't that boring at all", he thought.

When life gives you apples.. I mean lemons.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora