artificial intelligence ϟ larry stylinson AU [april 2014]

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artificial intelligence

It’s the year 2165.

Technology has advanced by leaps and bounds in the past century and a half, reaching milestones that no one could have predicted just a couple hundred years ago.

Teleportation is being tentatively explored, communities have been sprouting up on the moon for the past several decades, and video games have transcended the meaning of the word ‘interactive.’

With his experience as a former programmer, Louis Tomlinson tests the beta versions of these games for a living. He enters the artifical 3D realms to not only review the gameplay, but fix any known bugs, solve any glitches, and generally clean up and improve the quality of the video games.

Le Petit Morte is due for release in only a month and a half, but something has gone terribly wrong with one of the characters within the game. The coders and programmers can’t seem to trace the bug or fix the glitches that keep occurring, so Louis gets called in to help.

With nothing but a few manuals, some tools, his own smarts and some other rogue beta testers to help him out, Louis is sent into the daunting world of Le Petit Morte to figure out what exactly went wrong with A.I. Unit 23, also known as ‘Harry.’

hiiii so this fic will basically be me using all of my knowledge (and then some) about coding, programming, designing, scripting, and playing video games. i used to dabble in some simple-ish coding (python isn't really that difficult tbh) and 3D designing (using blender, just fyi, if anyone knows that program (which i doubt)), so i know some stuff, but i'm far from being an expert. i will be using a lot of the shit i know from playing games, though.

p.s. to explain how interactive the games are, think of like, that one spy kids movie, or the anime Sword Art Online. something similar.

p.p.s. the title of the video game is still under debate, so it's subject to change.

ok ilyasm thank you bye <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2014 ⏰

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artificial intelligence ϟ larry stylinson AU [april 2014]Where stories live. Discover now