The fire

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I woke up to sound of sirens. The red light lit up the room in a horrifying way. I laid still in my bed, not wanting to move one bit. My gut told me that something was seriously wrong. I jerked by the sound of Ethan whispering, "Grayson are you okay? What's happening?" I lifted my head and looked at the other side of the room. Ethan was sitting in his bed rubbing his eyes. I felt a little relived knowing that nothing had happened to him. I sat up in my bed, I could see half of Ethan's face, the red light coming from the window lit it up. He looked at me with terror in his eyes, his chest was visibly rising up and down. I slowly pulled the sheet away from my body and stood up. I walked towards the window carefully, unsure of what I would see, when I pulled the curtains away. The closer I got the more intense the sound and red lighting became. I turned my head at Ethan looking for an answer. Should I pull away the curtains? What would I see? He gave me a slight nod before standing up himself. We were both wearing nothing but boxers. I gulped as soon as Ethan stood next to me. Without thinking I pulled the curtains away. And what I saw was the most horrifying thing ever.

The first thing I saw was fire. It was the only thing my mind captured. After that it felt like my whole world stopped. The burning flames were moving in slow motion. I could feel Ethan's gaze landing on me. But it all happened to slow. I tried to find my way back to reality. Ethan shook my body, trying to get me to focus. But I was in shock. All sound was blocked out, I couldn't even hear the sirens anymore. I blinked, and then everything came back. The sound came back. I shook my head and tried to focus. "GRAYSON!" Ethan yelled in my ear, I covered both of them trying not to go deaf. Y/N was the first thing that popped into my mind. "GRAYSON WHAT THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO DO!?" Ethan yelled, it sounded like he was far away from me. I let out a scream and then refocused. I grabbed the window frame and leaned against the glass. There was flames. The house was on fire. People were gathered around the burning house, unsure of what to do. Why didn't they do anything? People were trapped in that house. Y/N was trapped in that house. I suddenly felt Ethan pulling my arm, trying to move me from the spot, I was glued to. Then everything clicked. I released myself from Ethan's grip and ran over to my closet. I pulled out pair of sweatpants as fast as I could. I glanced backwards and saw Ethan doing the same thing. I put them on and ran out the door. I could hear Ethan's footsteps behind me, that meant he was coming to. I barged into my parents' bedroom, but they weren't there. Ethan ran into Cameron's bedroom, he looked back at me in confusion. That meant she wasn't there either. 'They've probably gone outside' was my first thought. I signalised Ethan to run downstairs, I followed him, almost tripping when I ran down the stairs. I passed Ethan and almost knocked down the front door, when I tried to open it.
I stopped at the front steps. The sight that met my eyes were the same as before. But worse. Firemen were running in and out of the house. But they kept running back out as soon as they had entered. I grabbed Ethan's wrist and pulled him with me. I ran out the front yard bare feet, I felt the pain when I stepped on the asphalt. I kept running until I reached the crowd. Fire men were pushing themselves through the people. None of them thought of moving, they were in shock, just like me. I saw Cameron, when she took a look behind her. I pushed myself pass the people, I didn't care, I had to get to the house. I grabbed Cameron's shoulder and turned her around. "What's happening?" I yelled, trying to drown out the sirens. She was crying, "Y/N and her family are inside, but the firemen says that something is blocking the entrance" she cried. My heart stopped. The tears were forming in my eyes, I forced myself to be strong and not cry. I didn't care what it would cost me, I had to get to that house to get my girlfriend out of there. I ran past Cameron, pushing the people away that were in my way. "GRAYSON NO!" I heard Ethan yell behind me, he tried to grab my arm, but I pushed him away too. I reached the front of the crowd, that were facing the house. Now the tears started trickling down my cheeks. I didn't think twice before running. I ran out on the lawn, running towards the front door. I could hear Ethan yell my name, it didn't stop me from what I was doing. Just then I felt something hit my ribs harder then ever.
I was tackled to the ground and all air was knocked out of me. I gasped trying to catch my breath, my sight was hazy. I could see a person in red clothing holding me down. I was determined to get in that house, I didn't care how bad my condition was right now. I needed to get in. I quickly regained my strength and pushed the person who was holding me down away. Before I knew it, I was standing up again. The person who had tackled me, tried to prevent me from running into the house. It was a fireman. "DO NOT GO IN THERE!" He yelled, looking me in the eyes, "I HAVE TO, MY GIRLFRIEND IS IN THERE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, and then everything went quiet.
Then the loudest explosion I had ever heard occurred. My world exploded, it was filled with nothing but flames. I heard screams as I was thrown to the ground. I hit my head hard on the ground, I then felt the weight of a grown man land on my stomach. It felt like I stopped breathing. I laid still, staring up at the stars. It was almost as the fire was reflected in the night sky. In that moment I thought that I was dead. But I wasn't. My ears were filled with a loud ringing noise, my sight went from hazy to normal. I slowly regained my strength like before. The person lying on top of me, was preventing me from standing up. I used all the strength I had left in my body to push the person off of me. I laid still for another moment before standing up. I looked at the crowd behind me, not even thinking about taking a look at the house. People were laying on the round unharmed, I saw my family there too. Ethan pulled up Cameron and my parents from the ground and turned to me. Our eyes met, I could see horrific in his eyes as they turned dark. My heart dropped. Did I want to see what was behind me? People gasped as they stood up, most of them covered their mouths and started crying. I didn't want to turn around. What would I see? I picked up the last piece of courage I had left after this night, and turned around. My eyes had never seen anything more terrible.

I fell down on my knees, when I saw the house. No, what was left of the house. The remains of the house were still burning. Then I started crying. I cried for so long. It just kept going, I somehow couldn't stop. Y/N WAS in there. She was not there anymore, only what was left of her. In that moment I wanted to die. I didn't feel like there was any point in life. She was gone. Y/N was gone. And I was never going to see her again.

- I hope it's okay :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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