Chapter 1

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Alexis's P.O.V
I grabbed my keys and walked out of the house, as soon as i stepped outside i shivered. I absolutely dreaded Winter, having to rug up and where lots of clothes. That wasn't me i loved Summer, tanning, wearing bikinis and not having to check the weather to see if it was raining or not.

I saw Michael sitting in his Red Lamborghini, he was looking at his phone and i saw him typing away. I got suspicious so i tried to sneak up behind him to check who was texting, but he turned his phone off.


I checked my messages and there was one from Michael. I opened it and it said 'u look stunning, Princess'.
I smiled and opened the car door, he leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips. I reacted quickly and put my hands on his head and pulled him back to me. He was shocked at first then he caught my drift, soon i was straddling him. We having a heated make-out  session when my back hit the horn.

Honk Honk Honk

We jumped in shock then we started laughing like a bunch of hyenas, i got off him still laughing when i get in my own seat. By now both of our faces were red, he started the car and we were driving, until when we came to a red light.

There was an unusual silence and i didn't like it.
"Alex.....umm you know i love you right?" Michael asks.

I loved him more than everything, he was the best thing that happened to me and he knew that.

"Michael, i love you to the moon and back, quite possibly even further than that." I laughed at the last bit, though Michael's face was concerned and worried. We kept driving until i could handle it so i broke the silence.

"Mike, what's wrong?" I asked concerned.
He pulled the car over and looked into my eyes. He sighed and put his had through his hair, he did this whenever he was worried, stressed or annoyed. So i reckoned he was worried or stressed. But what at?

"Alex, my love of my life the best thing that ever happened me." He placed his hand over mine. What's going on?
" know if i ever leave you it's to protect you or help you for the future, right? If i ever hurt you i didn't do it on purpose, i know i will always be here, but if I'm not don't go killing yourself and shit because i love you." He breathed out. I felt a tear shed down my cheek.
What was he trying to say, was he going to leave me? How would i cope, i love him.

"W-what?" I said. He wiped his thumb across my cheek taking the tear with him.
"Don't worry, I'll always be with you no matter what." He said hugging me. I could tell this hug meant something but i couldn't work out what.


We pulled over and parked on the overgrown brownish-green grass. As we got out of the car we could he gun shots so Michael threw me a loaded gun and he loaded his own.

We tip-toed around the back and got a glimpse of his face, he had scruffy blonde hair with a red beanie saying 'keep calm'. That's funny 'cause he flipping shooting one of our partners. His jacket indicates what gang he's in so i cock my head to the side and see that he from a gang called 'The Golden Eagles'.
The design of the jacket was cool, with it being made of black leather, gold letters across the top saying 'The Golden Eagles' and a pair of gold and white wings spread out on the whole back.

The person he was shooting at was one of our members called Johnny, there was a few other people consisting of Camilla, Dalton and Lucy. Then another gang member pops out of the corner and''s MICHAEL. I thought he was right next to me. I look to the side and see if he is there but he isn't, so i start to panic but i try to think happy thoughts.

Michael is ready to aim and shoot when-


My eyes widen in shock and then i run to Michael sobbing in his chest. I hold his hand and everyone around us is either sobbing or laughing, evilly.

Just then sirens sound and the The Golden Eagles run in the opposite direction.

"Michael, i love you.....please......say......something." I say in between sobs.
"Alex.....i love you too, just remember what i said in the car and i wont be mad if you move love yo-" he says before his heart rate decreases and it is silent. His body turned pale and everyone starts to cry behind me.


The door to the warehouse flies open and policemen rush in with their dogs and paramedics. They rush to Michael and I, they rap a blanket around me and put Michael in a stretcher. I still hold Mike's hand and we get in the back of the ambulance. As they close the door i look out back window.

Lucy is crying on Dalton's shoulder and Camilla is getting questions asked by the policeman. Johnny is also getting asked questions but by a police women.


"Ma'am, we are at the hospital." The paramedic woman says to me as i slowly wake up from sleeping on Michael.

It wasn't just a dream.
I look at his face, i missed seeing a smile on his face.

The paramedic roles him out of the back of the ambulance and onto the concrete delivery square for the new arrivals. They tell me i have to wait in the waiting room next to the surgery room. I watched as they roll Mike into the room three rooms away from me.
He looked so lifeless and broken.
Five minutes later Michael's mum and brother come running in and they ask the receptionist for Michael Rover. The woman points to me and they smile weakly at the woman. They see me and run over and hug me, i cried, she cried and even Hunter, Michael's brother was crying into his hands.


The doctors had officially declared Mike dead so we all left, his mum gave me ride home and i thanked her. As i got inside i was engulfed with a loving hug from my mum, dad and Lily, my sister.
"H-h-he's gone.........forever-" I say in between sobs but my mum cuts me off.
"We know, we know." She says as she strokes my hair and back.



How was it? It was a bit emotional for me but i pushed through. Please don't judge though because it was my first book. I wanna thank BlueCupcake2016 for being my first sub thx a million.

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