The school shooter

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One normal morning saki had to get up for school "SAKI GET UP" her mom yells. She quickly runs off the bed "I'm kinda sick mom can I stay home no saki you have to go if your not felling well at school go to the nurse and call me ill come and get you" so saki quickly gets ready and eats breakfast and runs out to See her friends "by mom" saki runs up to her friends at this point I don't need to say the story hey suki hey zen hi so you guys reddy for the math test I studied all night now I'm kinda yawns tiered and light headed there's the bus the diver looks I've never seen a bus diver like this

He looked weird like he had a fake smile so we walked past him to find a set when we did I sat by the window we where the last stop so we drove straight to the school as we where driving I seen a van and your probably like ohh it's just a van no i...

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He looked weird like he had a fake smile so we walked past him to find a set when we did I sat by the window we where the last stop so we drove straight to the school as we where driving I seen a van and your probably like ohh it's just a van no it looked very creepy and rusted and the guys in the front where whereing all black so I just ignored it so we got off the bus and went to out first class that's math so we did our test then I felt a little woozy so I went to the nurse she called my mom and that was all my mom said she's on her way so I packed my stuff went to my locker and I seen a guy with a big trench coat on with a big ass gun he was walking the other way so he Didn't see me I grabbed my phone and ran to class I yelled there's a guy with a gun so we all got down I sat by my friend so I looked out the window and seen a bunch of guys with guns they shot right at our window then.... a guy came in with a big gun and shot every thing up he left and the teacher passed out so me and suki are like let's get out of here so we went to get zen without seeing a shooter this reminded me of cod so we went in zen's class and the teacher was already dead and some kids are dead to and kids where jumping out the windows and zen was sitting in the corner in a ball so we pulled him up zen your alive I'm surprised you haven't said a smart comeback to  him what ever lets go so they head for the main door there's no one there so we run out we see my moms car right there and she's walking to me and bang a guy with a gun shoots her OH MY GOSH MOM!! I sit there crying then I get up and run to the van and I get a gun with nobody around I tell zen and suki  to grab a gun but why saki I'm fighting for my mom those stupid cunts aren't getting away with this we run in and at this point teachers are dead kids are dead so the first shooter we see we shoot them right off the bat we see a shooter I shoot him right in the head of course zen is tee banging him. at this point the halls are dead so we head to the basement when we walk in we see a cult circle but no ones there but all the dead people even my mom and the cult circle is huge and remember this is a short story we spot a shooter and before I could do anything he shoots my in the arm I don't die but it hurts like a bitch so zen shoots him then tee bags him suki is too scared to shoot them so we go to the nurses office to get stuff for my arm so when we get there we get something to pull out the bullet they get plyers and pulls the bullet right out I start crying and at this point I'm covered in blood dirt and sweat some of the blood isn't even mine so they patch it up and we run out side suki drops the gun and says I got not getting killed and starts running away I look up and I see a guy with a sniper on the roof about to shoot suki SUKI STOP as she turns around the guy shoots her she falls to the floor and shoots zen while zen's flicking him off and he falls to the floor then I head to the roof to get me revenge I keep shooting those guys I don't know how many there are but I keep shooting then my cloths are all ripped up my hair and clothes are covered in blood spit and sweat so when I get to the roof I see no one I sit on the edge and I start to realize I don't have a headache then I see a beer that says drink me and a juice box that says drink my I drink the Juice box and I pic up the note and look on the back it says good because that's your last drink and I look at the other note on the back and that says night night then I look back and I see a shooter before I could grab the gun he kicks the gun off  then I stand up and ask why did you do this then he takes off his mask and I realize that thats my dad and before I could say anything he pushes me off the roof and I land on the ground I'm paralyzed and then he shoots me from the roof. I'm dead that school is burnt to the ground and those guys never got caught the end

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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