Soldier: 76 x Reader - Part 1

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Name: Soldier: 76

Location: Unknown

Intentions: To hunt down former Overwatch agents

(Name) looked up the the screen with worry.

"Mercy are you sure this is the person who last broke into our armory?"

"We are positive (Name)."

(Name) swallowed the lump forming in her throat. The man looked very familiar. She knew exactly who he was. She had even worked with the man, and now they wanted her to hunt him down and end him?! He was a former Overwatch agent himself! No way was she doing this. There had to be a mistake. 

"Alright Mercy. I guess I'll head out then. Any idea where this man is at?"

"Well we have somewhat of an idea. Winston said he did some research and said that his next target is Hanamura, hunting down the former Overwatch agents Genji Shimada and Hanzo Shimada."

"I'll head there now then."

(Name) grabbed her bag and headed out the door. Walking towards the nearest trains station. As she got closer, she could see that there was a small commotion going on in front of the ticket stand. A man in a cowboy outfit, was pointing a old western revolver at the ticket seller. (Name) didn't dare to get closer, but decided to watch from afar. But if something went wrong, she had her pistol out from her bag. A little later, the man headed onto the train. (Name) walked up to the ticket seller and got her ticket but also said that she would keep an eye on that cowboy man for him. She walked onto the train, plobbing into the closest sit to the door that she could find. She could see the cowboy from where she was sitting, but he was slouched back in his chair with his hat tilted over his face, looked completely normal and like he hadn't just robbed a ticket seller. She stared at him, but he did nothing. Instead, unknowingly, she fell asleep herself.

*Time skip*

"We are arriving at Hanamura Station. Repeat, we are arriving at Hanamura Station."

(Name) got up and stretched herself. She looked over to where the cowboy was sitting. He was already gone. She walked over to where he was sitting. Looking for something he maybe left behind. Some clue to where he was going. She found a map. It was a map of Hanamura, but one place in particular was circled, a old gas station. (Name) thought hard. She had passed that gas station before. But from what she could remember, it was run down. Hadn't been used since the first Omnic Crisis. Maybe it was up and running again? Either way she would have to find that man first. For all she had seen, he was a sort of criminal that had to be taken care of. She left the train through the doors closest to that gas station, using the map to get to it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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