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For weeks, wildlife has been disappearing. Species population declines. Species after species going extinct. There's no scientific proof of it being a natural cause, or being something artificial killing animals off. All animal wipe-outs have no sign of cuts, disease or, gluttony feeds, and it seems that they just- died. It spread the public into a panic. Local farm animals also started to mysteriously pass away, and this could mean something. "What will happen to the human race?" asked many people. Governments around the world all started collaborating in an endless search of a cure or a stop to this wipe-out mayhem. Violence and panic spread. Protests, murders, accidents, crimes just started becoming extremely part of the human nature. The world was becoming more broken. Hope, started fading out as an option. Suddenly, two young students from the main science institution proposed a project they'd created. The projected invention they created was a Heart MagiLace; a powerful device allowing humans to be immune to physical damage, and also to allow humans to live longer, but in their presentation, they announced that living longer varies between MagiLaces. Each MagiLace comes in a variety of colors, and each color was limited. This invention was quickly taken into consideration, and was soon becoming mass-produced. This would prevent any crime being committed towards people getting hurt, and also it could be the saving grace to humanity. However, the mass-production had created many greenhouse gases, therefore speeding up the process of global warming.

Panic, spread again. Then, a new idea was forged. Large domes holding thousands of people as a community were built.

And throughout the years, this would be natural human life. It would be like a normal society, but boundaries were limited to the metal inside of the dome. The young scientist that had created the MagiLaces were Edward and Platner, and they were assigned to continue creating MagiLaces for the expanding human population, and to also watch over a dome labelled 5846, as there were many domes built. Platner unfortunately was found dead 200 years later, and Edward greatly grieved over his death. Platner's murder has not been solved as of late, because there was no evidence supporting how he died. For about 500 years now, Edward's life has been currently focused on the creation of MagiLaces for many people.

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