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tylers skin glistened with sweat as his muscles tensed and relaxed with every punch he threw at his opponents face. a boy with brightly colored hair sat in the crowd, marveling at how fast he seemed to move. he was good at what he did, josh had to admit. sometimes he was scared for his boyfriend, because he would get broken noses and concussions, but he had always tougher it out. the 25 year old had concurred 3 years of fighting, he was good.

josh had met tyler at one of his fights. his older brother had dragged him along, and he was incredibly reluctant, as josh was wary of gore, and knew there was lots of it at boxing events. however, josh was accustomed to it. tyler had him watch horror movies so he would be more comfortable with it.

the small boy was shaken out of his thoughts as a bell rang throughout the stadium, and the fans bursted out in screams and hollers. josh finally looked up, and a smile found itself to his face as he saw his boyfriend had won. he started to jump and cheer, and smiled when his boyfriend met his eyes. people slowly started to file out of the stadium as tyler and his opponent walked out. josh was one of the last ones out. he knew tyler usually took awhile, so he was in no rush to leave. once he was outside, he leaned against a brick wall, bringing his (tylers) hoodie closer to him in a lazy effort to get warmer.

"hey babe," josh jumped when he heard a voice behind him. he looked back and smiled brightly as he saw his boyfriend. he opened his arms wide, and joshua ran into them quickly, hugging him tightly. he was grateful he wasn't hurt.

the couple walked hand in hand to tylers car, swinging their arms softly. the snow beneath their feet filled the silent night.

joshua hurried into the car much faster than tyler, desperate to get in a warmer place than the cold ass weather.

tyler finally got his ass in the car, and put the keys into the ignition. he put on his seatbelt and paused, looking at josh. josh looked at him with an exasperated expression.

"can we go already?" he asked, annoyed.

"seatbelt," tyler said sternly, raising his eyebrows. josh huffed loudly, and buckled himself in. tyler smiled to himself, and finally began to pull out of the almost empty parking lot.

josh had started to fall asleep in the car, so he tried to drive slow so he wouldn't wake him.

tyler finally pulled into his driveway, and paused, looking at josh, a loving smile on his face. he leaned over and softly began to shake him, whispering for him to wake up.

josh groaned as he opened his sleepy eyes, but then shut them back closed. tyler huffed and opened his car door, and stepped out. he shut his door, and walked over to joshs side. he pulled open the door, unbuckling joshs seatbelt, and grabbed him, swinging him over his shoulder, and shut the car door with his foot. he began to carry his boyfriend into the house as he snored softly into his shoulder. tyler had great trouble opening the door with one hand, but finally succeeded.

once they were finally inside, tyler took off both their shoes, and carried him upstairs. josh stirred in his sleep, but fell back into his peaceful slumber. tyler smiled at his cute snores. once he got to the room they shared, he softly set josh into their bed. he instinctively pulled the covers up by himself. tyler smiled, and changed out of his clothes. once he was finished, and had brushed his teeth, he shut the light, and got into bed with his lover. he pulled the small boy close and kissed his forehead.

"goodnight, joshie," tyler said softly, and began to fall asleep.

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