Lets Play a Game.

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"Mum, Why do we have to live here?" I asked angerly as I closed the car door.  "Because, Its a better enviorment. And plus, I will have a better chance of getting a job here." She replied with her censer British accent. You see, My mother was from the UK (United Kingdom). My father was from Scottland, and when I was two, we moved to New York. My voice is a british one, you see, because I never went to a real school. My Mum and Dad always home schooled me and tought me everything I know. But then, well my mother got in a fight with dad about 8 - 9 months ago, and it wasn't the prettiest sight. And after a while my mother just got tired of seeing him everywhere she went. Thats why we had to move here. To this place.

The large, darkend house felt as if it hovered over me. It was a two story house, and about ten large oaks closed it in, almost like they where suffocating it. The shadow it casted it, covered nearly the whole yard. Making it where the grass had turned a dark earth colored. Death. Grass laid there like a dead thing upon the ground, as if it was a sign that I shouldn't be there. Trust me, I didn't even want to be there in the first place.

"Out of all the places in Florida, you just had to pick Bradford County?" I asked a bit annoyed,  walking up the front door steps, creaking with every step I took. "Yes! Its beautiful! The house is vintage, just like I always asked for, the nature out here is, goodness, just perfect." She sighed and smiled. She handed me the keys to the door, also known as, my new prison. "Why don't you go take a tour? Im going to go look around to see if there is a place where I can plant my plants." She said as she handed me the bronze key, as her dull green eyes sparkled. ''You will love it her, trust me.'' She spoke to me in a soft tender tone. I almost believed her for a second, then shook my head.

"Eh..." I replied. I made my way up to the large wooden door, and simply slipped the key into the rusted door nob, and twisted it. I pushed the door in, opening it, and following that was loud squeaking. I took a whiff of air, it smelled of old moth balls and dead animals.

There was a large wooden stair case, on the left wall, and a door way, on the right was another door way in the white wall, and straight ahead was a hallway. I slowly closed the door behind me and walked into the right door way.

It was a fairly big room, with white walls, and wooden flooring. Nothing filled the room except, a old wooden fire place and a couple of windows. The wood work on the fireplace was impeccable. The carved swirls and flowers on it was gorgeous. The wood had a cherry color to it, which was also lovely.

I walked over to the fireplace and ran my slender white finger over the carvings, admiring the hard work that was possibly put into it.

"Blake, darling?" My mother called to me, while closing the door shut. "Yes?" I called back, standing up from where I was, and looking towards her. "Can you go get your things out of the car? And take them up stairs to your room?" She said walking into the room. "Yes Ma'am..." I said annoyed. "The movers will be here with our furniture anytime now, and so will John." She said again.

DAMMIT! Is all I could think. John. His name just being said sent chills down my spine. John, My mothers 'boyfriend'. They have been together for only 3 months and he is already moving in? I could tell that he was no good from the time that I laid eyes on him. His shit colored eyes. His yellow teeth. His unpleasant smell. His deep demonic voice. Just everything about him scared me.

"Yeah, I know. I know." I replied back sighing, as I began to walk out of the room. I swiftly made my way through the door and out to the rear of our  and popped the trunk.

"UGH!" I screamed. "I can't take living with her!!!" I screamed louder. I took to of my suit cases and threw them hard on the ground, trying to get my anger out. Then I saw a tall lanky white boy, with swifty brown hair, and a white t-shirt, with black pants, walking down the tan dirt road that stood in front of my new house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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