Prologue: Daughter of Evil

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Cira = Fem!Sirius A

Sergius = Sirius B

Gretel = Europa

Leo = Ganymede

Fiametta = Io

Crystal = Callisto

Jovan = Jupiter

Rayne = Mercury

It was only a few months after the Lucifenian Revolution. 

The princess, Cira, had died. A boy with a identical face who was her servant, Sergius, had disappeared. Some theorized he had fled the country.

Cira was always told to be some kind of monster. They said that she had white hair and blue eyes, and a arrogant smile.

But they also theorized her to be some sort of demon, as her eyes were red the crisp afternoon her evil reign was cut down like a axe does a tree.

"What do you think, Jovan?" A small girl no older than eleven asked a blonde man in his early twenties. The man gave the girl a sweet smile.

"I've met her personally," Jovan, the girl's older brother, told the awestruck brunette,  "She was kind of arrogant, but she was also really...."

"Spoiled?" Piped up Fiametta, the second oldest.

"Annoying?" Questioned Leo, their only brother and fourth oldest.

"A huge brat." Deadpanned Crystal, the third oldest of their group.

"Stupid." Jovan finished with a sigh. "She was really stupid."

"How stupid?" Leo asked.

"She put a pair of glasses on her servant and fainted from the 'awesomeness'." 

"Oh." The four children echoed.

"But she started a huge revolution!" Fiametta yelled. "She must've been a huge idiot!"

"Oh, she was," Jovan nodded, "She was the only one in that place who wasn't terrified of me!"

"I never understood why people are scared of you," Gretel said, seating herself on her older brother's lap, "you aren't mean."

"Neither was she," The blonde man told her, "but she was a kid- about Leo's age- and you know how kids are."

"Oberon and those girls said they think she was a demon. Luna got mad." Leo informed his brother. Luna was the little blue haired girl with a fascination for stories who lived down the street. She was in the grade below Gretel. "She said she was going to prove she wasn't a demon and then she ran off." 

"Just because she had red eyes or whatever doesn't mean she's a demon!" Fiametta ranted. "I've got red eyes! So do you Jovan!"

"Hey, Jovan," called a voice. It was Rayne, Jovan's "boyfriend". "There's a girl here to see you and the kids."

Just then, a blur of blue pushed past Rayne. It was Luna, her arms holding paintings, papers and books. Her eyes were bright with excitement, the moon shaped clip in her short hair glimmered, adding the illusion that she was glowing.

"You'll never believe what I found." She loud-whispered.

The part where Jupiter says Sirius A fainted, it's a reference to some fanart of the two Siriuses I found a while ago. And what did Luna find? You'll just have to see.

Also, the names I chose for Jupiter's moons: Io is Fiametta because Fiametta means fire and Io has a firey temper //shot

Callisto is Crystal because ice. I know I'm so original with these names.

As for Ganymede and Europa, they already had human names given to them by Rosel-D. He put them up on this list of human names, which is also where I got Sirius B, Mercury and Jupiter's names.

There will be genderbending in this story to fit the plot, though it will be different from the original story. It already is, Jupiter and the Galilean moons don't really represent anyone, same for Mercury. Luna is Yukina, Sirius A is Rilliane, and Sirius B is Allen/Alexiel. Enjoy the story!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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