Too much?

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denim shorts, a revealing white tank top, pink lips and a strawberry scented perfume, these were the things that Mami found when observing the girl who was laying down on the couch surfing through the channels on the TV finding nothing that caught her interest, the girl turned the TV off and just layed there staring at the black screen of the TV. The girl then lifted her right leg up and crossing it over the left one.

"Haruna, I think you should do something rather than just laying down on the couch" The blonde haired girl spoke after she went inside the medium sized apartment, Haruna just rolled her eyes and continued staring at the blank TV.Mami threw her keys on the low table and walked past Haruna who was still in space. 

The two girls have been friends since high school, though they're not such of a good match, they were two completely different types of person, Mami was always the nerdy type, she was the smartest student in class and had a clean reputation. She doesn't talk to alot of people, she was always seen sitting down with her Ipod and a book in her hands. Haruna on the other hand, the girl who was known for her beauty and she was popular with everyone, boys could never resist her, she was always seen in parties but she doesn't go to far, since she has a boyfriend. But despite having a reputation like that, she has a passion for dance. She loves dancing and would always go for competitions and she  won all of them. 

As Mami went to the kitchen, she looked through the window and saw two girls at the street behind a small building, it reminded of Mami's first time talking with Haruna. it all started when Mami found Haruna crying at the back of the school, her face looked awful it made Mami feel pity for her. She didn't believe that the famous Haruna Ono was crying, when Mami sat next to the girl, she was surprised, she didn't notice her. 

"What do you want?" Haruna said in a cold way, Mami showed a bitter smiled and tried to put her hand on Haruna's shoulder but failed. "don't touch me..nerd.."  Mami frowned, a little offended of Haruna's words but she knew that the girl need help and help is what Mami is going to give. 

"Is something wrong?" Mami asked and the girl just glared at her, refusing to answer. "Why are you crying? did you get dumped...again?"  The blonde kept asking, she decided to make her annoyed until she tells whats going on.

"can you shut up? It's none of your business, and where did you hear a rumor like that?!" Haruna growled at her.

"Just heard some of the other girls talking about it in the toilet"  She answered with a straight face. Haruna was silent, a clear hint of annoyence in her eyes. Mami furrowed her eyebrows and crouched in front of ther girl, Haruna turned her head to the other direction, Why was she even staying there with her? she thought that she should just go away but she couldn't, a part of her just doesn't want to be alone, she wanted someone. She needed someone.

"Go away.." Haruna said, still looking at the other side.

"why? if your so annoyed, can't you just stand up and leave?"

"seeing your face ruins my mood to stand" Haruna said.

"doesn't that mean you want to sit with me?" Mami countered her and Haruna fell silent. 

The blonde grinned, kinda amused that she just countered Haruna's words, well thats just one of the use of being smart. She's also annoyed that Haruna was being so difficult, why can't she just let her help? 

"Just tell me whats wrong, I wanna help" Mami tried to get her problem out.

"I did say that it was none of your business sasazaki." Mami let out a huff of air, she stood up and decided to just give up on her, why did she even bother to help? but she admits that she has a thing for Haruna, she didn't know why it happened, she figured the she was also caught up in her beauty to the point she fell in love with her. Haruna watched her as she start to make a turn and leave her, she shook her head and quickly stood up and grabbed Mami's arm, Mami looked back. Confused of her action.

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