Episode 1 Welcome to our town

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Scene 1: soft fall music plays in background while the scene fades in. A small town with various decorations of fall and Halloween. Shows people buying gifts and plants (shopping) scene cuts into two young kids (brothers) standing in front of a house, that they had just thrown toilet paper on the house.

Kid 1: (giggles) oh my god dude, we're awesome

Kid 2: (chuckles) yeah, I can't wait to see the look on the old mans face

(Door busts open, man comes out from inside)

Daniel: You kids!

Kid 1: Oh shout man, we gotta run

Kid 2: Get pranked old man!

(kids run off, Daniel attempts to run after them, but they hide behind their dad, Mike)

Mike: Is there a problem here Mr. Clark?

(boys chuckle behind their dads back)

Daniel: (shallows) Um no, Mr.Sanchez. There is no problem but--

Mike: Of course there isn't, have a nice day Mr.Clark. And please don't chase after my boys, the people in this town already know your a creep (he says this low and quiet so only Daniel hears him. He walks away, and his sons follow after him. High-fiving each other.)

Scene shows Daniel just standing there, as it cuts to inside of Daniel's home. Dan's son, Ben is writing while the song (R.E.M Man on the moon plays on the radio) Daniel busts through the door, grumbling as the music plays softly in the background

Ben: hey dad (he's looking down and writing, not yet noticing his fathers frustration

Daniel: Hey Ben (says sounding tense as he walks to the fridge to grab a soda)

Ben: You sound upset (he puts down his pencil and looks over at his dad)

Daniel: (chugs down soda) it's those Sanchez boys, they tipeed the house again. It's the third time!

Ben: (shakes head) They're little rich jerks, I'll talk to them. Even though I doubt they'll listen to me.

(Daniel sighs and takes a seat at the table Ben's sitting at)

Daniel: Thanks Ben, d-do you think I'm old?

Ben: Dad, where did you get that idea from?

Daniel: It's stupid I know but--

Ben: Your not old, not even close.. Was it the Sanchez boys?

(Daniel doesn't say anything, he looks around nervously)

Ben: Don't let those tiny losers get to your head--

(loud car beep comes from outside)

Ben: That's Dylan. He asked me if I could help unload some of his band equipment into his house. I should be back home less than 30 minutes. And I can help you take down the toilet paper from the house.

Daniel: Oh, do you boys need help? I have been working out in the gym lately-

Ben: Dad, it's fine. I'll be back soon.

(He walks over to his dad and kisses his forehead)

Ben: Bye (he leaves and door shuts behind him)

(Daniel looks around, not knowing what to do until, he looks over and sees the book Ben was writing in, camera zooms in on the book and scene fades and switches into the series intro)

Scene 2: Ben walks out the door and sees Dylan waiting in the car.

Ben: Hey man, whats going on

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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