A climbs of the past

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(Sorry the songs in Japanese I tried to find a better one but is was the best)

(Sorry the songs in Japanese I tried to find a better one but is was the best)

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(Your tattoo)

2nd POV

Y/N was surround by people she felt like she would know. A little man with blond man was next to her smiling and holding her hand. She recognized and at the same didn't know this people.

"Captain! Y/N! Nice job today!" Said I women who was at least 29ft tall (Gowther: Diane you say your 29ft tall but you are really 30)

"Thanks Diane!" Said the man "Right Y/N?!"

"Oh um ya" she said. So the Giants Diane

"Hey everything alright N/N" a man with pale teal hair asked.

"Oh ya I'm fine I should gets some air" she said walking out eve one looking at her worried.

Outside Y/N who are does people? Should I know them? What going on? Just then a pink haired man? came outside

"Y/N something wrong you seem weirder then usually" they asked. "Your usually bubbly and happy not confused and distant"

"Yes I'm fine I just need to be alone" Y/N said. The man nodded and walked away. The short man was looking at the two from a distance scared about what was happening to Y/N.


I woke up startled. I look at the tattoo I had. Maybe these people are the ones who gave me this. Or the ones who took my memory.

"HEY Y/N GET DOWN HERE LAZYBUTT!" My roommate Ella yelled from downstairs. (Ya boy I'm here!) I walk out of bed change into some clothes and run downstairs. I see Ella grabbing her backpack and money. Oh great we're going to a bar. She only does this when she wants a drink.

" Y/N, I'm hiding to a tavern on the hill. Your coming with me" Ella says and I nod my head knowing she won't take no for an answer. We head off to this place that looks like a hat. "This the the boar hat tavern" Ella says happily. I just nod.

When we enter a boy like the one from my dream greets us and we sit down. I feel the staff of the bar looking at us.

Maliodas POV
It her! It really her! Y/N the wolf sin of murder. The whole time the gang and I look at her. She seems uncomfortable like she doesn't know us. Wait... Does she?

"Sir Maliodas everything alright?" Elizabeth ask and I just nod my head.

"I'm fine just thinking" I tell her. She nods and walks away. Oh Y/N why don't you remember us?

YA FIRST CHAPTER!! If anyone has an idea for what caused Y/N to forget her memory comment! Well bye bye and update asap!


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