1 - How the Corgy got its name

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There is nothing like the piercing Novembers wind nipping at the little exposed flesh left of your body as you shuffle from the warm, enticing heat of the car to the numbingly freezing ice crystals that hang in the air. The chapel of Gregor's house was grand and ferocious as it toward over the boarding school, like servants bowing down to their king. Shinning sunrays shot through the perfectly glazed windows and radiated a spectrum of luminous colour, each lighting quintessential examples of the rainbow. The sound of the choir beckoned throughout the chapel as the girls had created a herd of beautifully pitched melodies - a part of their morning registration. Out of the sea of blue and white uniforms pressed neatly by loving mothers and fathers were two girls, both exhaustingly bored of the tiring routine the school brought to them daily. 

"Look, it's the new girl" Ellen took it upon herself to sound her voice not much above a whisper, as she leant in closer and closer to her college and friend beside, disdain dripping from each word,  "Ohhh doesn't she look frightfully posh" The sarcastic accent El voiced made Imogen produce a giggle from deep within as she covered her mouth in hopes the vibrations would stop themselves from reaching anyone else's ears.

"But thinking about it El, don't we also. I mean we are singing praises in a school that costs $1000 a term"

"Oh shut up Imogen" El dropped her prayer book by her side as she glared at Imogen from the corner of her eye, knowing all too well that her naive companion was right. "I hate it when you're right, though." The girls both paused in unison but stood with their eyes fixed on the young girl that had just ventured her way through the grand wooden doors. "That's why we have to get at her from the core. We make friends and then smack her down like a wrestler in a boxing ring"

Imogen swung her arm down and faced El front on in total and utter confusion "El what the hell are you going on about?" Her voice raised just above that so sacred whisper and she caught the attention of one Miss Vander - an elderly lady you do not want to get on the wrong side of! Once the priest had seated the girls down they took it upon themselves to give a few more glares and whispers towards the stranger seated opposite them - who was not yet graced with the proper school attire but made her way in a pair of charmingly straight navy trousers and a blue v-neck vest accompanied by a white blouse situating itself nicely around her neck, framing the way for her long blonde locks which curled its way down her shoulders.

----------Later in the dining hall----------

The halls motioned with the commotion that each girl voiced. The extravagantly long tables made an aisle for the teachers who seated directly in the front, blessed with their own large dining table in which only the best food was served! The detailed and perfectly sculpted painting hung and vibrated from the walls as the girls all created a hurdle of noise - only to be expected from the excitement of lunch time!

We find our girls towards the upper side of the hall, nearest the teacher's table, chattering away as young teenagers do! Ellen Jeffreys, of course, centred the attention to herself and always made sure any other girls who walked past knew who she was! Imogen Sinclaire usually had her nose in a novel of love or passage of wisdom borrowed from the school library but decided that with the accompany of the new girl that she'd keep a close eye out. Tazmin O'Herold's young Irish accent sounded beautifully with each innocent remark she made; being the youngest out of the group definitely had its struggles. Lastly of the girls Jane Dunner, a silent girl, favourable of all the teachers, but as one knows ... had her hidden secrets!

All the girl's heads turn as they see the one women who could make all their jaws drop at the same time! Her black stiletto heels accentuated her toned legs perfectly, causing her calf muscle to tense with each graceful step she took. The black pencil dress snuggled her body and stopped mid-thigh as it accented her curves with just the right amount of poise. Whilst a small amount of cleavage was showing it was not much, but just enough to make the right audience notice! Her blonde bob bounced with each pace and always looked extravagant as it rested on her shoulders. She placed her impeccably manicured hands on her hips and she glared down at the girls, her icy blue eyes sending shivers in everyone spines. 

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