Marry Me (boyxboy oneshot)

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This is my first one shot. I hope you like it :) 

“Marry Me”


I blinked as sunlight shined from the window straight into my eyes. I rolled over, arched my back and stretched out my arms and legs, trying to get my body to wake up. Then I pulled myself back together when I realized something. My boyfriend- Andrew- wasn’t beside me. A day hasn’t gone by since we’ve been living together where he hasn’t been there when I woke up.

                I sat up and looked around the room. His pajama pants were in a pile at the foot of our bed and his keys were gone. On top of his pants was a little card that said “read me.”

                I leaned forward and grabbed the note. Opening it, I read, “Joey, I know how much you love Lewis Carroll and Alice in Wonderland so I set up a little surprise for you. Come to 832 Sycamore Drive to find out what it is. Love, Andrew.”

                My heart fluttered. He always did little things for me like this and my love hasn’t faded in the least in the three years we had been together. I giggled giddily and jumped out of bed.

                I grabbed a nice button up shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans and ran to the bathroom. I threw on my clothes, brushed my hair and teeth and sprayed on some cologne, then I grabbed my keys and ran out of our apartment.

                I pulled up to a nice house and walked up the cobble stone walkway to an old fashion door. I was about to knock when I noticed a note by the door knob. It said “open me.” I removed it and put it in my pocket, then I pushed the door open.

                The house was completely empty. Not only was it completely void of people, but there was no furniture or anything. I tried the light switch and the room was suddenly illuminated. It was a beautiful house full of old features I loved. There was old lamp like lights on the ceiling and a cozy looking fire place.

                “Hello?” I called. “Andrew?” When I got no reply I moved through the rest of the house, both exploring the beautiful house and looking for my surprise. There was light brown trim around the ceiling and the floor and built in book shelves everywhere. I found the bedrooms and a wonderful kitchen, and then I found what I was looking for.

                In the back corner of the house there was a circular room. It was windowless and the floor was tiled in a checker board pattern. In the center of the room was a little metal and glass table with a bottle on it.

                I squeaked in excitement. Walking over I saw that there was a little note attached, and though I already could guess what it said, I turned it over and read “drink me.” I pulled up the little cork and drank what I thought was Sprite.

                I waited a moment to see what would happen. Nothing did. I glanced around the dark room looking for something that came next when I spotted a small door. It wasn’t as tiny as the one in Alice in Wonderland, so I could still fit through it, but it looked like it came from the movie.

                I walked over and turned the knob. It opened and I pushed it. Light shined through and I squinted until I got used to the sun, then I poked my head through.

                My heart stopped.

                The door led outside and there, in a backyard surrounded by a privacy fence, was the most luscious garden I had ever seen. Roses, lilies, and a million other vibrant flowers boomed around the most stunning man I had ever laid eyes on.

                Andrew sat a little table that matched the one in the checkered room, and he had an empty seat across from him. I squeezed through the little door and made my way over to him.

                “Hey you,” I said as I took my seat. My eyes shone and never left his.

                “Hey you,” he said back smiling. “So what do you think?”

                “It’s wonderful,” I breathed. “This is so amazing. You have no idea how much I love you right now.”

                He chuckled. “Oh yeah? Then you should prove it.” He pointed in the direction of my lap.

                At first I was a little surprised that he would suggest sex so soon- not that I wouldn’t oblige, but he usually didn’t ask so brusquely- but then I saw what he was really pointing at.

                There on the table was a little cake, and for the second time my heart stopped.

                It had a simple gold ring pressed into it and it said “marry me.”

                I looked up at Andrew with tears already building up in my eyes and saw that he was on his knee in front of me with a velvet box open.

                “This is the real ring,” he told me. “Now, Joseph Montgomery, I love you more than anything else in the world and I want to spend the rest of my life proving that to you. Will you marry me?”

                I couldn’t breathe and tears were running down my face. Finally I whispered a “yes” and threw my arms around his shoulders. He stood up and hugged me back, then broke apart just enough to slip the ring onto my left hand.

                “I love you,” I choked out and pressed my lips against his. He pressed back, slightly opening his lips to get closer as we kissed. I could feel how much he loved my in that kiss. Before it started getting any deeper he pulled away.

                “One more thing,” he said smiling. “This is our new house. I bought it and fixed it up in a way I thought suited you. I hope you like it.”

                I laughed lightly. “Not yet. It’s missing one thing.”

                Andrew raised an eyebrow. “And what’s that?”

                I smiled. “A bed.”

                He chuckled and intertwined our fingers. “We should go fix that then,” he said and we walked to our new home. 

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