Chapter 1

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It was a cold, September morning. I opened my eyes and immediately felt the need to puke. I attempted to get out of bed but my body was weaker than normal. I ended up vomiting all over the floor.

Am I hungover? I don't remember drinking last night. In fact, I haven't drank in the last 3 years! I thought to myself.

I laid back in bed, nausea still spun around in my stomach. I lent over to puke again, this time I accidentally kicked Adrienne's leg and woke her up. She turned around and gasped. I laid back in bed once again and sighed.

I looked at 80. "Sorry." I said in a croaky voice. "It's okay, honey, are you okay?" She said, placing a hand on my forehead. She took her hand away. "Jeez! Your burning up!!" She said with a worried expression on her face.

She got up and walked around to my bed side, avoiding the puke. "Your really pale too." She said. "I'll get you some peas to cool you down. I'll make soup." She gave me a small smile. "How does that sound?" I nodded.

She left the room and came back with a mop. She cleaned up my vomit and continued to do what she had said. She placed the peas on my forehead carefully and told me to move the bag about my face to cool me down. I did so in peace for about 5 minutes.

Then I heard, "DADDY!! JOEY TOOK MY XBOX CONTOLLWER AND HIDED IT!!!" I sighed heavily. Jakob, my 5 year old son, ran in crying. "It's okay, come here, buddy." I said in my croaky voice. He crawled up the bed sheets and lay on top of me. "No, buddy-" I was cut off by my nauseousness. I lent over the bed side again, holding Jakob tightly so he didn't fall off the bed and spewed my guts out.

When I was finished, Jakob sat up on me and asked, "are you okay, daddy?" I nodded. "I'm okay, Jakey." I went to kiss his head but don't incase he would get whatever I had too. "JO-" I start but it turned into a coughing fit. "Will you get your brother for me?" He nodded his little, curly head and ran off to find Joey.

He came back with the taller, older boy that was Joey. "Joey, give Jakob his controller back." I said. "Yeah, my contollwer, please." Jakob ordered, sassily. I chuckled a little.

"I don't know where it is." Joey lied, with a smirk. "Yes, you do, just give him it." I said, dropping my laugh. "I don't!" He repeated. "Joey, give him the controller!" I started to get a little angrier. "Don't have it." He argued. "Give your brother the damn controller!!!" I raised my voice a little but it cracked making both boys laugh.

"Give me your controller and no one can have the Xbox then." I said, hoping for him to give in and give Jakob the controller so I could get piece again. Joey shook his head and stood there. I got up and walked out of the room, going towards the boys' room. I attempted to lift the Xbox but couldn't carry it. So, I unplugged it instead.

I sat on the bed out of breath. Joey and Jakob stood there. Jakob huffing with Joey and Joey concerned. Concerned about me. "Dad, what's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing, why?" I asked, hiding the fact I could barely do simple things.

"Your out of breath from doing that and your barfing." He said. "I'm fine." I said and got up. I walked to the kitchen and sat at the table. Adrienne looked at me. "I'll call the guys and tell them you can't do the show tonight." She said while serving me my soup she had made for me. "No! I-I can't still do the show!" I said. "Billie, yo-" I cut her off mid sentence. "I'm fine." I said and she sighed concernedly. I started eating my soup.

After I had finished, Mike busted through my front door. "Who's ready for band practice!?" Trè yelled from the hallway. I guess Mike had already picked him up. I got up and ran to me and Adrienne's bed room, slipping and wackiness my head off the marble floor. I got up quickly and feeling the back of my head. I felt a little bump but shrugged it off.

I quickly got dressed and grabbed Blue before heading out the front door with Mike and- "TRÈ! GIVE ME MY CONTROLLER!!" Joey's voice yelled. Trè came running out the door and he dived intone car.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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