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"And the winner of this year's 2013 Couple's Figure Skating competition is Jade Stone and Simon Murphy!"

      In a daze, I didn't know whether to scream out in joy or cry! I was so shocked to hear the announcer call my name as the winner. MY NAME. After all the long nights and early mornings, I finally made it. My dream of winning 1st place in couple's figure skating finally came true. "Jade! Jade! You looked so pretty! Teach me how to skate like that too! Please!" Topaz exclaimed running up to greet me.

"Was Dad able to come?" I asked her.  

"No, he said he was too busy with work to come. Let's go home, big sis." Topaz took me by the hand as we walked home.

      When we finally arrived, I was welcomed at the door by a strong stench, a fishy smell that ran past my nose. Standing there was my dad cooking dinner. "Didn't you say he was busy at work?" I asked Topaz. All she could give me was a confused shrug. Dad set our dining room table with all of my favorites: fish, rice, stuffed mushrooms, grilled polenta and a beautiful cake. It all looked delicious.

"Congratulations on winning 1st place, my dear." My father was congratulating me for the first time in 10 years. For the first time, he truly saw me. I haven't heard those words or seen him smile at me since Mom died. I was one blink away from bursting out in tears. "Don't cry. You'll ruin your beautiful makeup." He smiled at me lovingly and continued, "you remind me so much of your mother. Your black curly hair, your eyes, everything." It took everything I had to fight back the tears welling up in my eyes.

"Um, Dad if you're going to forget to talk about me and how absolutely perfect I am, can I at least eat?" We forgot all about Topaz standing there!

"Sure let's all eat! The food isn't getting any warmer," Dad said jokingly. For the first time in a long time, everything was perfect.

        The next morning around 5 a.m, I dragged Topaz out of bed. "Jade, why are we outside? It's freezing." Topaz complained.

"TA-DAH! ~" Topaz just glared at me surprised. "You wanted me to teach you how to skate right? Well, here you go." I gave her my special skates, the ones Mom gave me for my very first competition. "These will make you skate just like your big sis!"

"Mrs. Anderson said we can go to her lake anytime we want and this is the time you choose?" Topaz asked sarcastically.

I gave her a nod, "Race you!" and we raced over to the Andersons' lake. Topaz bolted towards the lake so fast that by the time I made it she had already laced up her skates and was on the ice.

"Come on! Teach me!" Topaz cried.

"Ok, I'll teach you, but first I need to check the ice." She just rolled her eyes completely ignoring me while I put on my skates.

        Skating out to meet her I yelled out once again, "Come back to the edge Topaz! Let me make sure it's safe." 

"Look, it's perfectly fine! Come out here and teach," CRACK! "Oh! Jade did you hear that?!" Topaz asked. As I slowly looked down I saw the ice breaking apart. CRACK. 

"Topaz get off the ice now! HURRY!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. We both started skating to land as fast as we could. 

"Ah! Jade, I'm stuck!" Topaz cried. Her blade was caught in a crack and she had fallen causing the ice to break all around her. 

"It will be ok take off your skates!" I screamed from the other side. The ice was breaking so quickly. SPLASH, Topaz went falling in. 

"HOLD ON Topaz I'm coming!"  I raced over to her. Then on all fours, I inched closer and closer trying not to break the ice until I was close enough to grab her hand. My little sister looked petrified. 

"I can't swim! Jade help me!" I called out for help. "I can't hold on Jade." 

"It's ok someone will help us. HELP! HELP! MRS. ANDERSON! DADDY!" I tightened my grip on her hand but it was too slippery. Her hand began slipping away. I held on with both hands as tight as I could. "NO TOPAZ! Don't let go!" I tried to pull her up again but I couldn't lift her. We heard another crackle in the ice, it began shifting under me. Topaz gave me a terrified look as I lost my grip, but this time my little sister was out of my hands and out of my reach.

"Oh! Children!" Mrs. Anderson finally came running as fast as she could thumping down the hill to get to us. 

"Mrs. Anderson! Call the police or ambulance, something PLEASE!" With eyes full of tears, I looked back at Topaz. She was barely staying above the water. "Please hold on Topaz! Mrs. Anderson get something to pull her out with! Quick!" Every place she reached the ice broke and she began sinking....

If you want to read the next part look for it in "Pump Up The K Magazine"

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