Love for the shell of a man

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You were in Hope's Peak Academy, on a Sunday, in the courtyard with much shorter boyfriend, Ryoma Hoshi. He was just as calm as always, still with the candy in his mouth, sitting on the wall next to you. You were the SHSL Attorney (f/n) (l/n). It was been a year since your legal work freed him from his prison cell. Tennis is what he was good at, but due to what he did, and him changing into a shell of what he first was, he neglected to try to return to the world of the sport he still deep down loved. 



" You seem lost. You seem like you are still behind bars."

"I can't believe I let you steal my heart (y/n)...I tried to convince you I was dangerous, but you kept chipping away at me. I admire your willpower..." His face still strong and never wavering. You were a little peeved by his personality at times, he needed to treat you like a real girlfriend more often. You know he cared, but he was such a strong man, to you, it seemed like he didn't at give a damn. You blushed at his comment though. He noticed this. You two were alone in the courtyard.  He gave you a once over, in his peripheral vision, you looked beautiful to him and his heart sped up. 


"Yes Ryo-mmm." Your statement was stopped as he pulled you by the collar of (your favorite dress) and suddenly, his lips were connecting with yours. Your eyes were open for a second, but you close them. Then you felt his hands cup your face and his tongue trace your lips for entry. You let him in and you explored each others saliva filled caverns. He began to kiss more passionately, he let out a gutteral moan with his deep voice. You felt a shockwave hit your stomach before you broke the kiss for air, saliva trailing between you. You wiped the saliva from his lip as you wiped your own and you smiled. He had a little smirk. All of a sudden you heard wolf whistles, kissing sounds, and childish "Oohs." It was your friends, (Your friend's name), Ibuki and Kaede walking into the courtyard. 

He whispered in your ear, "Come to my room tonight." He hopped off of the wall and walked away as cool as ever.

"Oooooh, I saw you and your boyfriend making out up here." (Y/f) teased.

"It was j-just a kiss." You said blushing.

"I was going to ask if you were free, but I'm guessing you won't be!" Kaede said laughing with (y/f).

"S-shut up... it's not funny, just wait until you get boyfriends, I'm roasting all your asses." You said flustered.

"Ibuki thinks you and him make a good couple! Tell me when you want me to play at your wedding!" Ibuki said cheerfully.

"Ibuki, not you too." You said burying your face in your hands.

You laughed and talked until it began to grow dark. After saying your good nights, you went to your room to grab a few things before locking up and heading to Ryoma's room. You knocked and he appeared silently opening it and letting you in before locking the door. You sat down your things before lying in his bed. He climbed in next to you.

"You are too precious you make me feel so unsure sometimes. You helped me despite what I did, and I haven't been like this since, I was with the love I lost. But I love you so much deeper. You make me think about things I never thought of. I am a shadow of my former self, but you make me want to try again. You make me want to...make a future with you. Not just dating, but for the rest of our lives. I never thought of trying to go professional again, but I will try...for you."

The King of tennis and his Queen-Ryoma Hoshi lemonWhere stories live. Discover now