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Waiting at a cold, damp parking lot for thirty minutes while my feet slowly turned to sand had not been my ideal plan for this evening, I had filled his messages with questions, interrogating him as to why he wasn't here. I knew he'd usually tend to be a few minutes late , but this was just uncalled for.


That's it, I've given him forty minutes to get here, and what does he do? he doesn't give me any response. Walking towards my car, I felt like I had just wasted my night, it could have simply been a solitude night with a box of treats at my side, but no. Instead, I wasted half my night waiting here, and the other half I'll be wasting moping around in a dark and gloomy room.

Those were my first plans, conjured by my fit of blind rage, yet walking down the parking lot, a car's headlights glared straight towards my direction, not showing any signs whatsoever of slowing down. A jolt of instinct suddenly surged through me, as I skidded off the road, and into the small crevice between two parked cars. My heart pounded loud, louder than a drum. So, as human nature, I got myself up, and flipped off the idiot driving the car. Then, my eyes had recognized that the car had belonged to Al.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I  didn't even notice the newly-made scrape on my knee, as my feet stomped over to his car to give him a glare as sharp as blades "Do you have any idea how late you are?" I complain at him "Ok, but hear me out, I am so so so so so sorry, I got confused about which park you said to go to, so I assumed you meant the one closest to my house, on the other side of town-" "and the messages I sent you?" I asked "I was busy driving, do you really think I'd be reckless enough to check my phone when already speeding?" He explains. My eyes scan him, studying his face, his expression says he's innocent, yet parts of my mind don't exactly want to forgive him for this.. But damn, curse my forgiving nature.

Sighing, I take his hand "fine, I'll let you off the hook this time, just for a small price" I say as his eyes are brought off of the ground and to me "and that is?" He questions "The moon " I offer, as he gives me a look of confusion, before agreeing, and taking my hand into his, guiding me over to the trail.

The night's wind felt soft and crisp as the cicadas hummed their last songs for the summer. I rubbed my thumb over his cold knuckles as my eyes wondered around the trail, all we seemed to need from each other tonight was one another's company in warm silence.

As we had arrived at our destination, the moon was just beginning to take control of the sky, as the sun's eyes began closing. "Wait here," he says, placing me on a rock "what you said earlier, I've got a idea " he kept his head behind mine, looking up at the sky as he tilted my head to face the moon. He puts his hands around the moon, acting as if he was going to take it, then snatches it, closing his hands shut over the moon, as I smile lightly at how stupid this is. Thinking that I'd probably let him off with this.. I'd probably let him off with other things tonight, well, if he had the guts.

Yet, my mind is brought back, as Al brings his hands down. The moon is no longer in the sky. My voice let's out a whisper of confusion, before glancing down to his palms, with the smallest grey stone in them. "How?" I mutter, as that's all the time he needs to wrap his arms around my waist, and kiss my cheek softly "Does it need answering? It's quite the simple answer, isn't it? " his hands trail lower, as his mouth begins to kiss down my jawline "You wanted it, so I got it for you" he mumbles down to the crook of my neck. Yet my conscience knocks me out of distraction, causing my body to shift uncomfortably out of his grasp.

"Nice try, Houdini" I pass off, politely rejecting his advances, as my legs start to get up. Yet as I got up, I felt a rush of thick liquid begin to seep down my legs. A small trail of blood began running down from under my shorts "Oh fuck" I mutter, my mind shooting to what date it was today. He begins to notice, as a look of embarrassment shifts onto his face. Yet luckily, instincts come to play, as he picks me up, making the blood shift back from leaking any more. He offers to drive me back to his place on the walk back to the car. "Are you sure? I think my house would be closer" I ask, embarrassment still covering my face "Don't worry about it, I only live a mile or two over from here anyways" he passes it on, setting me in the car as something flashes in my head.

"A mile from here? " I repeat him "yeah, well, only a few minutes from here really...." and that's when he realizes his own mistake. My conscious sinks into suspicion over what he had just said, compared to what he said when he got here.

"I got confused about which park you said to go to, so I assumed you meant the one closest to my house, on the other side of town"

My nose picked a terrible rotting scent in the car, as Al froze in his place like a statue. My head began to turn over before "wait!" He panicked, gripping onto my hand for dear life. "You don't want to look there" he ordered me as he gave me a look of desperation, of pity. I noticed how his hand felt so cold against mine. It was as if he was made out of ice.

Yet, my suspicion out ruled his attempt from stopping me, as, looking back at it, I should have simply listened to his command. Sitting there, in the back trunk was a sea of blood, patches, chunks of flesh scattered on the back seats. And there, sitting in the corner of that mess was something breathing jaggedly. The poor thing looked as if it had been skinned alive.

My head shakily turned back around to Al's hand. As he simply stayed there silent, waiting for me to do something. Reaching a hand to pull his sleeve up, my mind feared the worst, yet, there it was. Lines of sewn, human skin were dashed around his arm in jagged forms. Some bits and pieces jutting inside to reveal no flesh, no blood, but only cold bones.

"Well, I knew it was going to happen eventually" he mumbles to himself, "just not this soon." I start to notice how dead he really looked, the skin over his skeleton was just some sick ruse. He played me like a fiddle.

"Why.." my voice let out, the rest of my body frozen in his gaze "Does it need answering? " he smiles "You wanted it, you wanted him dead, so, I gave you what you wanted. " I shook my head no, over and over realizing who this sick freak was.

I gave him a chance, I did many years ago. But once I found my dog completely skinned, bloody in the bath tub, and that god forbidden bloody switchblade knife in his pocket. He was dead to me.

"You're sick" I mutter "A sick fuckin' psychopath" my voice breaks as he stays in his place, watching me as if I was prey. "You could say that, however, I prefer to think of it in a different angle" he ponders, drawing closer to me in the car, beginning to pull off the flimsy rotten face off of his skull. I stumble backwards to the window of the car, as my hand fumbles with the car's locked handle. "Maybe I could shed some light on you, let you see things my way" his smile grows wider as he tears off the mouth of his mask, and faces nose to nose with me.

And that's all I remembered, until everything, was simply drawn to a blank.

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