Chapter 1

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Breath. Just breath. You can do this. You got this. Its the same people that you grew up with. You can do this. I picked my legs up and swung them over the side of the seat and jumped out of the truck. See the school is.....intimidating. Oh why did I do this. This is horrible. What if no one remembers me. What if no one talks to me. What if the teachers all hate me. What if I become an outcast. What if- No! I will not stand for this anxiety, I will fight you, I will not cower under your power. But in all truthfulness I have no part of me left to fight with. I gulp and stare at the building as it towers over me. There I stood at the base of the massive structure, frozen in my to steps. I can't do this, you gotta be kidding me! And here I am to think that I, a week pest can over come something such as fear of school! I can(n't) do this. As people started to stare at me and give me weird looks, I took a fearless step with my right foot, and walked right up to the front doors of Silver Central High school. Looking around I was hit in the chest with regret and despair. No one, not even a teacher looked some what familiar. My heart plummeted to my feet and all I wanted to do was drop to my knees and cry. Everything, Everyone, its just to much. But I can't I need to stay strong, its not a want or some desire. It is my responsibility for Tony, for Mother. "Ughhh" I groaned out loud earning more weird and disgusted looks from fellow students.
Only if they knew.  Looking down at my schedule I instantly turn dumbfound. It didn't make any sense what so ever. But that wasn't the worst part, because when I was trying to figure out this equations they called my schedule, I ran right into some guy.
"Woah! Watch it nerd." I didn't even hit him, I just clipped his shoulder. People call me dramatic.
"I..I'm sorry." I squeaked. 
"Hey guys." He called out to his friends. "She said, 'I..I..I..I Sowwy.'" He said emphasizing my stutter and mocking me with a pretend pouting face. "What. Going to play quiet." He said shoving me. He and his little minions laughed as I stumbled back. Oblivious to what may lay behind me. Or should I say, who may lay behind me. I fell right into some other guy and jumped right back. 
"Whoah. " He said.
"Get out of here Eric." The guy who pushed me sneered. 
"Whats going on here." He said pointing between me and his little group of evilness, now taking an interest in this whole situation. The group he was with kept walking and most of the student now were heading to class. Ah class. How in the world am I going to get to class when my schedule looks like it was written in hieroglyphics.
"None of your business Eric" The two guys stepped up to each other as I stared in aw. "I think its time for you to leave, James." Eric said spitting the word James out as if its a forbidden curse. 
"Come on guys lets not waste our time with these losers. " James  said as his other friends agreed. But before he left completely one of his friends walked right by me and in a swift movement he slammed all my papers and my bag off my shoulder making them scatter all through the main lobby. Least by now a lot of kids were off to there classes to notice my humiliating moment. I sighed and crouched down and picked up what ever I could. This is just great! Now I'm a target of James  and every one must think I'm....I'm a dumb bitch who is-
"Hey!" I was sucked out of my ranting and saw Eric sitting beside me. I didn't notice till now that I had hot angry tears streaming down my face. "Here." He said in the most gentle voice ever, almost as if hes afraid I could break any second. What he doesn't know is I broke years ago and I'm simply a piece of my shattered life. Every day I try to glue everything together but I only used tears to fix it. The super glue to my life is no where to be found. Eric handed me my bag and I nodded at him.
"New?" He asked.
"That obvious?" I asked standing up with him mimicking my moves. 
"You bumped into James Dean." 
"Wasn't so pleasant either." I whispered. 
"Say, I know you." My heart Instantly sped up. Yes, someone remembers me. I finally take in his appearance. Light brown hair with dark brown eyes. If he wasn't wearing short sleeves I might of said no because I honestly didn't recognize him. But when his arm moved I noticed a scar, a long one in fact, on him left arm. My hand darted out without my permission and grabbed his arm.
"Where did you get this." I demanded.
"Uh I  was messing around  top of a jungle gym at a park one day and fell off a few years ago. I sliced my arm about 5 inches when I fell. I don"t really remember how many stitches I got because I was pretty much out of it from the blood loss."  A horrific day that was. He started to look at me closer and his eyes widened.
"I have to get to class." I said dropping his arm and started speed walking my way down the hall."
"Wait." He called after me from down the hall. Don't make a scene. The hall I ran into was a bit crowded and I couldn't go as fast as I would have liked to. It wasn't long until Eric caught up to me,  hes always been fast.  "Mia Reed. Stop!" He shouted. I stopped dead in my tracks. Some eyes stopped to look at me, to finally see who the Mia Reed is. Some may know my story, but I'll never know theirs. "Here." He said standing in front of me. I looked down and saw my horrid schedule. "When you walked away I say it on the ground. I must of not picked it up. "
"Thanks." I mumbled. 
"Just follow me. We have the same class."

The sun was shining, the grass glistened with the remaining raindrops of this mornings shower. Aaron's arm was around me as I ate my ice cream. Life couldn't get better. 
"I'm the king of the world!" Eric shouted climbing unto the jungle gym. His tie-which he tied around his head- whipped through the air as he made a dramatic scene. 
"Oh no your not." Lexia shouted. 
"Haha I made it!" He shouted standing on top of the roof top. "Whoah!" A loud thud made us all jump up and look in the direction of where Eric had fallen. At that moment we could all see the gushing deep red blood start to flood its way around his arm. Aaron was the first to react. He dialed 911 and handed me the phone. I've also dealt with situations like so this so I knew 
exactly what to say. Aaron ran over with Lexia to Erics body as he cried out in pain. Aaron ripped the tie off of Erics head and tied it tightly around his wound he so perfectly made. Straight down the center of his arm. Soon enough the sirens were heard because we were 3 blocks away from the station. The rest of the day was a blur. But I remember the exact amount of stitches he had even if he didn't. We were close but things change. Life happened. For some guys, reputation is better then friends or even, a significant other.

"Here we are." Eric voice -again- gentle as if I'm a room full of china. Old and delicate china. We stopped in front of a door full of jumpy and loud teenagers, some throwing paper airplanes, others gossiping. This is chaos. But nothing hurt more then standing beside Aaron's best friend-Eric- and having him look straight at us. As if he knew I was here. If only this was the same as reuniting with Eric. Not to realize the truth and go on without him. But sadly I cant, because he...he I could never forget. Because bright blue eyes stared back at me in aw. His red hair did nothing to doubt who is he was. I knew it was him. Aaron. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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