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Matt x reader
NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Hello people, if you are reading this then great. Please let me know if you like my stories. I would also like feedback (good or bad) please comment or even follow me if ya really wanna.
You layed back on your bed watching the fan continuously spin.
You sighed heavily. It was so boring. Your room mate Matt was out doing whatever it is Matt does, probably hanging out with Mello.

You jumped out of bed when you heard the familiar sound of the front door open followed by the sweet voice of Matt

"MATT YOU'RE HOME!" you yelled excitedly running out of the room to greet your friend.

You stopped suddenly when you saw what was in his hands. Could this be? Your face lit up with joy when you saw the long thin cardboard box in his hands


You ran up to him and snatched the box from his hands and jumped on the couch. You opened the lid of the box to see it was your favorite. Matt made his way over to the couch and flopped down beside you.
You grabbed a slice and bit into it. You didn't know what heaven tasted like but you bet it would taste something like this.
You closed your eyes and savoured every bit. Unaware that Matt was watching you.

"The heck are you doing?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm savouring it, Matt" you say with a huge grin plastered across your face

"As that saying goes, good things never last so you should enjoy them while its still here" you say trying your hardest to sound inspirational.

Matt took another bite of his pizza

"your a weirdo" he mumbles through a mouthful of food.

You pout and punch his arm playfully. He grinned at you and pushed you playfully. Appearantly a little too hard cause you fell and dropped your pizza. You gasp loudly.

"MATT!" you yelled clearly annoyed.

He scratched the back of his neck nervously


" see this is what I was talking about when I said good things never last" you groan picking up the dirtied pizza and putting it in the bin.

Matt just chuckled and continued to eat his pizza. When you two were finished Matt was tired and decided to go to bed. Once again leaving you alone bored out of your mind. You tossed and turned in your bed. You tightly shut your eyes trying desperately to go to sleep but you weren't tired.
You tiptoed out of your bedroom and made your way to Matt's bedroom door across the hall. You lightly opened the door. It opened with a silent creak . you popped your head in to see if Matt was awake.

"Matt" you whispered "Matt are you awake".

It was silent for a moment so you were about to just give up and retreat back to your room until you heard Matt groan. Matt switched his lamp on that was on his bedside table. He sat up and rubbed his eyed sleepily.

" what do you want ,(Y/N) I'm trying to sleep " he groaned.

"I'm not tired" you replied.

He stretched his arms out and yawned before looking at you lazily with an unimpressed look on his face

"and what do you want me to do about it?" He asks before falling back onto his bed.

You walked over to the bed and jumped on Matt.

" Matt!!!!" You yell "don't go to sleep, entertain me"

He whines in pain.

" Geez (Y/N), your really heavy get off me" .

you roll off him and lay beside him

"did you just call me fat?" You ask glaring at him.

"I'm not saying your fat....but maybe lay off the pizza" he chuckles.

"Rude!" You say once again playfully punching him.

" Even tho you eat too much pizza, your still beautiful" he says.

His eyes lock with yours and you felt something you never felt before. You had butterflies in your stomach and you could feel your face heating up. Of all the years you have known Matt and this is the first time he has ever called you beautiful. You look away and hoped he didn't see you blushing .

"whatever, you know I'm ugly " you say jokingly.

He grabs you chin and turns your head to look at him.

" (Y/N), I mean it your absolutely beautiful " he says with that heart melting grin of his.

You could practically hear your heart pounding against your chest. You didn't know how to respond so you stayed silent. It was silent for what seemed like forever until Matt decided to break the silence.

"You wanted me to entertain you right" he asks.

You looked at him confused. He then began to bring his face closer to yours. He closed his eyes and connected his soft lips to yours. You were shocked. Is this really happening? You thought to yourself. You then melted into the kiss and wrapped your arms around the back of his neck. You would never admit it to yourself but you have always had a tiny crush on Matt. He licked your bottom lip asking for entrance. You allowed and he began to explore your mouth with his tounge. The kiss was getting heated and Matt got on top of you. He began to kiss and suck on your neck occasionally leaving his mark. You moaned lightly which encouraged Matt to go further. He grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it off leaving you in your (F/C) bra. His hands made there way to your back and unclasped it, pulling it off and leaving your top half fully exposed to him. Matt looked down at your exposed flesh with a cheeky grin. Your whole face turned red. You have never done anything like this before and you were really nervous. You tugged at his shirt asking him to remove it. He obliged and threw it somewhere in the room. His lips then found yours in another heated kiss. Your bare chests were touching and you could feel his heat radiating from his body. You undid his button on his pants and he broke away from the kiss to slide his pants off his legs. His hands snaked down to the hem of your pants and slid them off in one motion. Now both of you were in nothing but your underwear. You took this time to admire Matt's body.
He was thin but toned and damn he was attractive. You bite your lip gently waiting in anticipation for what's to come (no pun intended XD ) Matt placed gentle kisses down your chest all the way to your stomach. You felt a shiver go down your spine. Matt chuckled and made his way to your underwear which he then began to remove with his teeth. (He's a pro) . he slid his underwear off and positioned himself between your legs. Wow this was really happening.

"Are you ready?" he asks looking down at you.

You suck in a deep breath and release it.

"Ready" you reply.

He simply nodded at you and slid his member into you. Giving you time to adjust. You nodded for him to continue. He than began thrusting in and out of you. The room was then filled with the sounds of panting and moans. Matt pressed his lips against yours muffling your moans. His thrusts were being to get faster and faster . the pleasure felt so good that you were unaware that you were digging your nails into Matt's back leaving claw marks and scratches. Matt didn't seem to mind though. After moments later you could feel yourself getting closer. You could feel yourself tighten up then release. Washing you with waves of pure pleasure and ecstasy sending Matt over the edge too.
He removed himself from you and rolled over to lay beside you. You two were both covered in sweat and panting uncontrollably. Not how you thought tonight would end up but no doubt it was the best night of your life. Matt swiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

" so I'm awake now, what do you wanna do now?" He asked rolling to face you to find out that your already fast asleep.

He sighed loudly and and closed his eyes and fell into his own deep slumber.

The end
(Sorry if grammar is bad or if there is mistakes. Thanks for reading.)

 Matt x Reader Lemon (Death Note)Where stories live. Discover now