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"Ah, FUCK mate!"

"Come on mate, don't be a pussy"

" but it tastes like shit mate"

"Come on mate, you're almost done"

"ah, fine!"

Chris almost always feel into peer pressure.  He was young, gullible and very stupid

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! AYYYYYYYY"

Chris was only twelve when he went to his first party, and seven years on he's still addicted to the hype of being rebellious

"Alright alright.  Two jugs of Bacardi and I'm feeling crazy!"

That's when a group of obviously older men approached him, he felt intimidated but then he saw his friend franklin in the crowed .

"Frankie mate, who's your friends?"

"These are some guys I meet at the last senior party, yeah they were looking for people who are crazy and aren't afraid to give things a go"

"You talking drugs mate"

"Yeah they've got this new thing there cooking out in the middle of nowhere, it's called 'perpetual heat'

" aw fuck yeah, hit us up mate"

" aw it's not my decision mate, it's there's"

" well what do I have to say to the shady cunts"

" I don't fuckin know know mate, go ask em"

That was probably going to be one of the last times he would see his life as fun and happy. It would soon be miserable and he always have the itch for more, and more, and more...

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