Falling For Forever

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*August 2016*

Brendon sat slumping on the greyish brown steps, cigarette in one hand, phone in the other. A chilly air blew across his face and tussled his jet black hair, making him pull the collar of his jacket up more. It was just past midnight after the last show of the Death of a Bachelor tour. 

He stared down at his phone, looking through a folder of photos he hadn't opened in ages. He chuckled as he remembered all the silly memories. Then just as quickly as it started, his chuckles stopped and he looked up from his phone. He bit his bottom lip and cleared out his phone, shoving it into his pocket and taking a long drag of the burning cigarette, filling his lungs up with the intoxicating smoke, and slowly blowing it out feeling a sense of relief as his lungs filled with oxygen once again.

Brendon looked around at the slightly rainy streets and watched cars pass by in a streak of color. He felt a tear form in his left eye, but quickly blinked it away. "Damn you Nate Ruess." He said taking one last deathly drag and letting the cigarette lazily fall to the floor. He stomped on it, putting it out and picked up a black box. Then with a flip of his hair walked inside the building.

*May 2011*

"Damn it Spence, give me my fucking phone!" Brendon yelled as he chased his band mate around the mostly abandoned parking lot. "Make me bitch!" Spencer yelled back, dodging Brendon again.

Brendon jumped at Spencer, but Spencer dodged him again, and as it happened Nate just happened to exit his tour bus just as Brendon launched at Spencer. Brendon ended up tackling Nate back into the tour bus, landing on top of Nate.

A whistle was heard from the side, "God it's only the first day, at least take him to dinner before fucking him Brendon." Jack said then immediately dodged a water bottle Nate had in his hand. Brendon chuckled and stood, helping Nate up with him. "How you fuckers been?!" Brendon asked hugging the three men whom made up fun.

They hadn't seen each other since recording their song C'mon. Spencer jumped into the bus, "Hey bitches!" Spencer said tossing Brendon his phone and hugging the others. "Where the fuck have you all been?" Spencer asked. Nate, Andrew and Jack had been working on new music of their own. Jack and Andrew started talking about recording and all the work they'd done, while Nate quietly slipped out of the bus.

Brendon smiled to himself, Nates not very social sometimes. Brendon slipped out after Nate and scanned the lot for him. He saw him sitting on a tree stump with a freshly lit smoke in hand. Brendon took notice of the way the late afternoon sun shined down upon his face, which was set in his usual, adorable, unintentional pout.

Brendon chuckled to himself and walked over to the older man, "Hey Ruessy!" he said running his hand through Nates soft brown hair. Nate smiled and brushed his hair back down, "Hey." He said quietly and took a drag. Brendon took the smoke out of Nates hand, taking a drag himself. Nate softly chuckled, which brought a smile to Brendon's face.

"You have no shame do you?" Nate said. "Nope." Brendon said, a cloud of smoke falling out of his mouth. Nate chuckled again. "So kid, how you been?" Brendon asked taking another drag of Nates smoke. "I've been worse, and you do realize I'm like way older then you right." Nate said taking the smoke and taking in a drag. "Shh babe, no one needs to know." Brendon said slinging his arm around Nate.

Nate chuckled, being used to Brendon's casual flirting and pet names. "So Urie, how's life been treating you?" Nate asked. Brendon sighed and took Nates cigarette again, taking in a long drag. Nate nodded understanding, and rubbed Brendon's knee. "Divorce sucks pal. But it'll be ok." He said in an attempt to comfort Brendon.

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