-About Me-

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Hey. My name is Christina. I am usually a quiet and shy person, that's why pretty much no one pays attention to me. I am nice but I can be a seriously mean bitch sometimes.

I love drawing and playing sports. I love all sorts of bands...Asking Alexandria, Abandon All Ships, Attila, As I lay Dying, Suicide Silence, Bring Me the Horizon, Breakdown Of Sanity, Chelsea Grin, Issues, Upon A Burning Body, ect...

I am athletic when it comes to playing basketball, I love basketball! I sometimes like being alone. I like making new friends. I'm ugly, I know. I hate fake bitches and scornful people. If you need someone to talk to, I gladly will like to help. And I care for you.

I sometimes curse a lot, I don't fucking care. I am so in love with unicorns! I also love Batman, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and the Joker. I am a gamer, I like playing video games 24/7.

I want to learn how to skate and play the drums or guitar. My hugest dream is to become a part of a rock band. I am not looking forward to being in a relationship, I hate being broken and played.

I would like to be friends with you and get to know you. I pretty much sleep all day. I hate the sun and wish I can kiss it goodbye. 

I am around 6'2 or maybe taller. I usually get picked on for everything, my style, taste in music, ect. That's why I am quiet. I wish I can go to a Bring Me The Horizon concert, I have never been to a concert. I sometimes wish I were a boy.

I like painting my face and coming up with cool face designs. My favorite food is Pie Azteca, which is probably not a food people heard about or eaten before... I'd love to be friends with you. I follow back and will read your stories if you want me to.

I respect everyone. I don't care if you are different or the opposite sex, I will be friendly and stick up for you. I guess that's all. Feel free to comment and follow....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2014 ⏰

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