Prologue I: Unexpected Tragedy of Hope

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Finally, the time has come for me to fulfil my lifelong dream. I have always fancied writing poems about different topics such as nature and sometimes even about people, and now I am finally going to achieve everything I want and all I need to do is to step inside this school that will decide my fate and my life.

The winds blew through my semi-medium length deep brown hair as I look up at the prestigious school that stands tall in front of me. It is one heck of a building, having so many Ultimates pass through it, and also to mention its extensive history.

Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Reikyo Ikidai and before you react, I know that my name is kind of cheesy since my parents really like nobility, and it also sounds like it belongs to a girl, but to clear things up, I am a boy. Although with the meaning of my name, expect my works to contain nothing cheesy and cliché. That I promise to you guys.

Formalities aside, I think it's time for me to enter my once dream school and now my real school where I will be studying for more than two years to achieve my fortune.

It's time to enter Hope's Peak Academy, the place where hope itself is cultivated and students are promised a wonderful life after graduation. It somehow seems to be too impossible but this school does exist, and for the most part it's pretty famous for how you get enrolled to it. All you need to have is a specific talent and that's it. There were requirements though:
1. You must be a current highschool student.
2. You must be the best at your field.

As long as you can provide everything you got, you'll be set for life at Hope's Peak, but because of all of this talk about the school's well known reputation, some things about it does not go out that much to the public. I have once read a thread at the internet talking about the darkest secrets of the school that they tried to hide to the public.

I didn't quite understood it when I first found it on the internet but I do believe it is something about "Artificial Hope". It's a concept that I really can't put my finger on since there are only few articles talking about it. The topic is controversial and so the Academy really doesn't want it to leak to the public.

But enough of that already. I took a deep breath and started walking to the huge gates of the gigantic structure. It only took a few steps until I was at the main lobby of the school, and that was when it happened.

Suddenly, I felt a strange surge of dizziness in my head and no sooner after I thought of this, my vision blurred and the surroundings swirled right in front of my eyes. Then everything soon turned to black as I fell down, but I never hit the floor for some reason.

I could only assume that I have been unconscious for a long time.

* * *

I stretched my arms as far as I can extend them and looked around. My mind was still a bit foggy from when I suddenly blacked out back there in front of Hope's Peak.

Ikidai: "Wait, what the heck! Where am I!?"

I know for sure that something happened and I will definitely get to the bottom of it. There's definitely something wrong.

I rubbed the tears that formed in my eyes and started looking around the place I was in. The place appears to be a room with myself in the blue-sheet covered bed on the corner of the plain light blue painted walls of the room. One of the corners of the room contains a short hallway that leads to the door that might be connecting this dorm room to the outside area. There's really nothing else that is notable in the room except the bed and the table next to it.

After finally regaining my energy and will, I stood up from the bed and fixed the black blazers that I am wearing, and while I'm doing it I realized something. Everything I had with me before going to Hope's Peak Academy was gone and all that's left for me to keep are my clothes. My phone, my journal, and my enrolment form are all gone.

Ikidai: "W-what!? Now my things are gone! Even my phone... damn!"

I looked around in an effort to find something of interest that can help me with identifying where I am right now because I am pretty sure that this place I am in is not a dorm room in Hope's Peak Academy since I saw a photo of one on the internet.

My eyes searched the room, hungry for information and clues when I suddenly saw a small pamphlet sitting ontop of the table besides the bed. It was somehow crumpled and some parts of the paper was torn.

After thinking for a long time, I decided to check it out and see if tells something new to me. I looked at it and read what's written.

Ikidai: "Welcome to Hope's Peak Academy! You are a new batch of students that will be enrolling to this school filled with hope. We will ensure your safety and we will make sure that you will easily get accommodated to our new school system. As of now, we took the time to make these pamphlets that shows who you will be spending your time with in all the years you will study here (the names will be listed with the first name first and the family name last).

1. Hikari Chuuhaku, the Ultimate Actress

2. Ikidai Reikyo, the Ultimate Poet

3. Soromizu Banbyou, the Ultimate Mathematician

4. Akira Nanami, the Ultimate Game Developer

5. Rika Seichu, the Ultimate Craftswoman

6. Ryuuji Mamoru, the Ultimate Lucky Student

7. Kurokyuu Naegi, the Ultimate Negotiator

8. Itoru Koreshun, the Ultimate Surgeon

9. Barune Kagami, the Ultimate Male Teen Model

10. Hatori Chuuhaku, the Ultimate Actor

11. Kobata Meiji, the Ultimate Runner

12. Serena Harukawa, the Ultimate Psychologist

13. Megumi Kobayashi, the Ultimate Fashion Designer

14. Nina Kurashiki, the Ultimate Events Planner

15. Alois Tracey, the Ultimate Florist

16. Kobane Takamiya, the Ultimate Painter

Now that you have an idea about your classmates it's about time you meet them in person. Please proceed to-"

The page was torn out from that point on. Well it definitely holds a huge amount of information about who my classmates are, but it doesn't even let me know where we are supposed to meet; it's like giving you seeds but not telling the place where to plant them, but then it's common sense to find soil right, so I guess I just have to find them, here in an unfamiliar place where I haven't been before nor seen anything about it.

I folded the paper and snuck it in to my pocket as I look around and started walking towards the short hallway where the exit lies. Upon opening the door, I saw another room opposite mine, and it appears that there's a whole line of rooms too in a long hallway. The place looks plain as it is only painted in blue, and there's nothing important here except the rooms. It was silent and calm until I heard something that I wished I heard earlier by the time I got here. It was a voice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2017 ⏰

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