A Doctor's Warning

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AN: Before you read this, I want to clarify something. Some of you might have seen this on another user's account. They plagiarized this word-for-word, and claimed it as their own.

This story was originally posted on Fanfiction.net under the username TheLilyoftheValley (my username on that site), and I had no idea that it had been posted over here.

Back when I first joined Wattpad, I wanted to upload my stories every other day or so, but I held off publishing my Ratchet and Clank fics. Ratchet and Clank has been my life since I was little, and this was the first fic I wrote for the category. I was scared of what readers would think of it, and I could never find the courage to post it.

I guess people did like it, even if I did find out after this story had been stolen from me.

And before some of you get all up in arms over who might have plagiarized who, I ask you to take a quick hop over to the Fanfiction.net Ratchet and Clank category and count how many stories you recognize. You'll find quite a few belonging to different accounts.

Anyway, two more of my RaC fics were stolen, and you'll see the same kind of message on them too, once I upload them.

All that aside, I hope you enjoy my story!


Elaris sighed as she stepped into her small office. So far, the day had been going pretty badly for her. Besides it being 8:00 on a Monday morning, Brax had already cornered her about any new gadgets she had been developing (she didn't have any at the moment), Cora had cancelled their weekly Girls Night Out (for the sixth time in a row), and Qwark was in the middle of tracking down a very tardy duo that still needed a full training course (it sounded nice, but he apparently needed her help in bringing them to the Hall of Heroes). And she hadn't had her morning cup of coffee yet.

It was going to be one those days.

A few months ago, after the excitement had died down, the Rangers had needed to reorganize. Captain Qwark needed to win back his heroism, and Ratchet, as the Captain had admitted rather reluctantly, needed to act as temporary Head of the Rangers while he was away completing public service projects. Problem was, Ratchet barely had any training and little experience at a managing position. Cora and Brax had been giving Ratchet the training and information he desperately needed, but the last few months had been chaotic with Elaris and Cora as acting Heads until Ratchet could take over.

She gazed into the dark office and stood there for a moment. Elaris did wish she had a bigger space to work with, but there was a certain charm to the small room. Maybe it was the long hours she had spent in there, but she felt at ease knowing everything she needed was at arm's reach.

She felt eyes rest on her, and she glanced back into the hallway to see if anyone was there. Elaris raised an eyebrow when she found nobody there. She shook her head and chuckled. She really needed her morning cup of coffee.

In just a few movements, she closed the door and flicked on the lights.

A metal hand closed around her neck and slammed her against a wall. She found herself staring into deep red optics that were brimming with rage. Fear filled her body as a grating voice reached her ears. "Scream, and I'll tear out your squishy throat."

Elaris whimpered and tried her best to nod, but every time she moved her head down, it choked more air out of her windpipe.

The robot let go of her throat and stepped back. Elaris rubbed her neck as she sized up her assailant. He was mostly purple from the neck down, had clawlike hands, and had an oversized green hea-

A Doctor's WarningWhere stories live. Discover now