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Hi, readers! You found this book written by me and you decided to read this life story about how I got myself in the Moonwalker community.

I have once written a book like this before, it's title was How I Met Michael Jackson, with a TWYMMF Michael photo as a cover - 'cause I just didn't know how to make covers back then, just did whatever I wanted, writing my heart out. It's also the first book I had on Wattpad. (Those who knew about it, feel the nostalgia :D)

However, I was only 11 at the time, I suppose. Somehow, it felt like 9 instead of 11, though Wattpad recorded me joining in 2014. Sounds true/not true enough. My writing sucked so bad back then.

Well, I have had supporters over the years, and I would like to thank them - even if they have left from the Wattpad community. Those who have stayed on, some have now left me; some still hold me, dear. I really thank those who still recognise me as a friend. It's been hard to trust people, and I am grateful to have them.

Time has passed. I'm no longer living a life of the relaxed mind. It's a fast-paced life I live, where there's been reduced time for whatever I wanna do.

Now, move to the next part - and satisfy all your curiosities.

Or, you can take that little time for each part to support my little story, and vote. You can also tell me your feelings and opinions by commenting on my story. It really helps to see other people's point of view, it helps me to learn more.

I thank you for reading this foreword - it probably sounded like crap. However, I hope you enjoy reading the true events of my story. Now, move on and start reading. :)

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