I'm Done

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Third Person POV

"Petra" the Big Ass Tree said, looking down at the nearly dead girl at its feet. The girl stirred and groaned as the pain hit her.

"Wh-who's there?" She stuttered out, pain consuming her. She felt as though she would die in seconds.

"You're going to die." The Tree stated impassively. "I will not allow that. Your happiness and (I don't agree) beauty are too great to be lost from this world."

"Wh-what happened to the.. Others?" She asked, her eyelids slowly drooping.

"They are dead, save for Lance Corporal Levi Ackerman and Titan Shifter Eren Jaeger."

"Damn Ereri" Petra muttered and tried to lift herself up, but failed and fell back down again.

"Take it easy, Miss Ral. Let me heal you before you do anything reckless." And with that, the strawberry-blonde fainted, blood loss and pain taking her down into the abyss of sleep. The Tree blushed as it looked at the (Not To Me) beautiful sleeping girl laying across its roots. The Big Ass Tree shuddered and leaves fell from their places, being guided down by the tree to lay on and around the girl, both protecting her from the cold and healing her with power from the Gods.

The Tree, cold and impassive as it was, felt something for Petra Ral.

~Time Skip to Petra waking up~

After several hours, Petra fluttered her eyes open and gazed at her surroundings. It was dark, and the most she could make out was the outlines of the different trees and the extra big one that she had talked to. Her eyes widened as she sprung up to a sitting position, recalling the past events. She should be dead, she was squashed (I think, I don't remember lol) by the Female Titan. The Tree had helped her; it had saved her from death. She had to repay him. (*Cough* How? *Cough*)

"Uhmm.. Big Ass Tree?" Petra called out, standing up and looking upwards at the canopy of leaves.

"Ah, I see you are alive and awake, Petra Ral." The Tree said with slight amusement.

"Thank you for saving me, how can I repay you?" She asked smiling. If the Tree was human, it's heart beat would be racing at the beautiful sight in front of it.

"There is no need, you needed help and I gladly gave it to you, no strings attached." The Tree sounded slightly sad, as if it knew that it would never see the beautiful woman again.

"There has to be someway.." Said girl trailed off, thinking of what to do. "Aha!" She had a eureka moment as she thought of a perfect way to repay it, one that she liked also.

"What is- oh!" The tree cut itself off as Petra walked up to the base of the tree and kissed it, wrapping her arms as far as she could around it. The Tree was a blushing mess as it felt the warmth of the girl.

"Since you seem rather lonely in this forest of Big Ass Trees, I'll stay here with you and keep you company" she looked up at the tree and smiled a Big Ass (Ba Dum Tss) smile.

"I-.. Thank you for your kindness, that would be rather nice." The Tree smiled and blushed as it looked at Petra.


You know what's fun? Reading a random comment about writing a fanfiction and thinking 'Why the fuck not?'

It was worth it. K bye.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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