Give up something for the beater good

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3rd POV

It was dark out as the moon was as bright as the sun, in the shadows was a figure running for her life and the small bundled she held close to her. "She went this way." Yelled an Autobot as they were on Star-blade's tail, she ran as fast as she could try to get to the escape pod for her sparkling will have a better chance of life than here in the war, she wouldn't let anyone take her little sparkling Holocaust away from her. "Huff, huff how they found me so fast," she asked herself as her heavy breathing was slow and holding Holocaust close to her spark chamber. The sound of blaster-fire was all around her, too scared to move knowing the Autobots were on her tail thinking of the worse for her sparkling if the Autobots capture her.

little Holocaust was frightened by the loud sounds around him he started to cry, as he cried snap Star-blade out of her thoughts. "Shh, my little Holocaust don't cry I'm here I'm not going to let them hurt you. Your carrier is going to protect you no matter what". After hearing his creator soft and caring voice Holocaust stop crying and fall back to recharge, she smiled at her little Holocaust and look around to see if she lost the Autobots, when the close was clear she ran right through Kaon and finally reaching the escape pods to send her sparkling off-world sending him somewhere it will be safe for him, and she and Megatron will be able to find him once when the war will be over. But Fate has a sick sense of humor, as a lone figure was lurking within the Shadows, it was Starscream who was planning to kill the young prince of the Decepticons and the Queen. To make Megatron suffer for the Loss of his family, but knowing who is the femme and carrier isn't going to be easy Star-blade is the spark-mate of Megatron and she once was a gladiator she won't be easy to kill her.

But he knew her greats weakness was her sparkling now he needs to wait for the right moment to strike.

Star-blade POV

I opened a pod up. "I'm sending you away from the war..." I replied while looking at my sparkling sleeping form. My little Holocaust... he deserved a better life and happier one too, I know I'm making the right choice but why does my spark-ache so bad I held him close to me for the last time. I know I won't be there for him to see him grow up I won't be able to see my baby take his first step or first word but I must do this for his safety and his life, I carefully placed him inside the Escape pod that's when my little Holocaust started crying and I began to sing to him to make him fall back to sleep.

(play the video)

Cast away your worries, my dear

For tomorrow comes a new day

Hold to me, you've nothing to fear

For your dreams are not far away

As you lay your head and you rest

May your dreams take over, my love

Listen close, my son of the west

For your destiny lies above

Though the world is cruel

There's a light that still shines

In the darkest days of our lives

When all hope seems lost

and you can't find your way

Think of me as you look to the sky

Child mine, your future is bright

For your father's blood's in your veins

In dark times, I pray you will fight

For the world will soon know your name

Once I finished my song my little Holocaust was fast asleep I carefully moved away as the door closed behind him. It's a good thing I left my medallion for him and a voice recording to whoever may find him to look after him, I looked at the controls and hit a button sending the pod off, I watched as it flew off. Be safe my little Holocaust I said to myself.

I was about to run back out to fight the Autobots again, but before I did I looked up seeing my son's escape pod still flying away from Cybertron but suddenly an explosion surrounded the area and me, I looked back-up with wide optics as it disappeared with no sign of the pod. "No..." I said lowly with Energon tears within my optics but I couldn't even cry when I got shot in my shoulder I turn around to see who shot at me it was Starscream I turned my servo into a fist as my rage shown and was heard from all around me Starscream or any bot and Con knew I was mad. But it died down once I defeated everyone and Starscream as I started to cry "Holocaust ... my little child... I'm so sorry" I said lowly

I stood there for a few moments before I glared all around and charged at the bots enraged that my son might be killed.  

Son of warlord the don of new ageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora