What the HELL?

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Hey guys once again iv'e been neglecting to make this story for AWHILE now and now im making it so enjoy, also your the 2016 remake, also you have infinite stockpile ammunition, rico out~~~~~~

(Y/N)'s POV

I just killed the spider mastermind when the tether activated and i was infront of doctor samuel haden (SPOILERS AHEAD) and he took the crucible from me and did this whole speech thing and was about to send me somewhere else with the tether (SPOILERS END) but i was able to break free and take it from him and i cut his head off with it but then i was transported somewhere else by the tether and when it was done i ended up in a forest of somesort with 4 huge scorpions and 4 huge birds looking at me with 8 people behind me, but that's when the scorpions decided to run at me and i took out my super shotgun and when one of them was close i grabbed it's claws ripped it off and stabbed it in its own head and i shot the other one with my shotgun and picked it up by the pincer and smashed it back and forth until it died and for the last two i took out the Great communicator and i slashed through one of them completely and for the last one i cut the pincer off and stabbed it through it, now for the birds i took out the BFG 9000 and fired it took them all out and there was Black blood all over the place with chunks of whatever these things are and when i turned to the 8 people i saw they were teens with horrified looks upon their faces and then i just turned away and walked off, but then one of them spoke.


???: Woah Ruby chill out at least thank the guy for saving our lives. *Winks at you*

???/???/???/???: Thank you sir for saving us.

(Y/N): *Looks around at them and nods and walks off*

After those 4 very nice people thanked me i started to walk off in the direction of a city and by the time i got there it was night and i was at some sort of docks for boats and when i got there i saw these flying ship things and they shone their spotlights on me and some other people one of them i recognized from earlier one of the nice ones with her sword up to someones throat but he was able to escape until i came in and he said...

???: Who the hell are you another annoying hunter? *points cane and shoots*

After he shot something out of his cane i just stood there and when the shot hit me it literally did nothing that would not even bruise me or scratch my suit and i just simply walk out of the smoke and took out my chaingun and switch to the mobile turret mod and extended the three barrels and started shooting at him and some guy with nun-chucks but then i was surrounded by these people in masks but then a red ball of energy popped up infront of me so i grabbed it and i felt a surge of power come off of me and i got a blood red tint around me and thats when i knew i had got the berserk power up so i said......

(Y/N): RIP AND TEAR UNTIL IT'S DONE!!!!!! *rips apart all the white fang near him* AHHHHHHH!!!!

Roman: HOLT SHIT GET ME OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW! *jumps in bullhead and takes off*

After he took off i decided to finish off everyone else there so i continues to rip off heads and curb stomp peoples heads in and rip off their own limbs and beat them to death with them and finally i reached the last guy here so i took out the great communicator (chainsaw) and i walked up to him and revved the chainsaw and i stuck it in his stomach and moved upwards cutting him in half and when he fell to the ground his guts went all over the place and when i walked back to the two that were originally fighting i saw them with horrified looks on there faces and i looked down on myself and i realized i was covered in bloods, guts, chunks of flesh, and brain and i had a finger on my shoulder that i flicked off, and when i did that they both puked and the male fainted, but then i was put into some kind of energy bubble but i broke out of it and pulled out my heavy assault rifle and aimed at the person responsible for it then i saw it and i yelled at the woman.

(Y/N): HEY LADY DUCK! *Fires over head at the thing behind her*

???: OH JEESUS! *Turns around* AHHHHHHHH! *faints*

After she fainted i took my combat shotgun and fired a couple of explosive shots at it, it fired some missiles back at me and i dodged them, so i took out my super shotgun and fired at it a couple of times, i got it to be staggered so i ran up to it pulled out it's heart and shoved it down it's own throat and jumped off of it and it exploded.


???: Who's here too?

I turned around to see someone with a cane and a mug and gray hair with glasses looking at me.

(Y/N): Hell it's self.

???: And what exactly do you mean by that young man?

(Y/N): I mean demons, hellfire, killing sprees..... Hell it's self.

???: Ok is that what you just killed, a demon?

(Y/N): Yes this species of demon is called a Mancubus two high damage rocket launchers, can take lots of damage, but light armor, moves slow, and flammable insides.

???: Well then you seem to know about these demons.

(Y/N): I do, because i am what hell it's self fears.... the Doom Slayer is what they call me.

???: Well since you'r demon knowledge is extensive and your the thing hell fears itself, how would you like to join my academy?

(Y/N): What kind of academy?

???: It's a combat academy for training hunter and huntresses to combat the evil of this worl which are grimm.

(Y/N): What's a grimm?

???: Those black creatures with bone like armor on them.

(Y/N): Ok those things, and yes i will take you up on you'r offer to join you'r academy incase the demons are able to actually plan a full on attack or ambush, also have you seen any strange red energy lately?

???: Yes, i have i have contained it within some glass containers in my quarters.

(Y/N): Good i'll need to take it from you though, it's called Argent energy, it's from hell my suit can absorb it to make me stronger.

Ozpin: Ok, by the way my name is Ozpin headmaster of beacon of academy.

(Y/N): Good to meet ya Ozpin, just call me Doom.

Ozpin: Ok Doom, one thing that you must stop though, you can't keep killing people.

(Y/N): Now that's one thing i can't do you see my guns aren't made for subduing people. *takes out the BFG 9000* See? *puts it up*

Ozpin: One more question, where do you keep all your weapons?

(Y/N): A pocket dimension.

Ozpin: Oh ok, anyway follow me to beacon academy.

Hey guys i hope you like this story anyway rico out~~~~

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