Sakura Blossoms: Taro x Ayano

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For this first one-shot, I'm doing an old favorite- Taro x Ayano. It's meant to be quick, but the others will probably be longer and may have second parts. ~Star-chan

From the first day she had seen him, she'd known.

It was funny, really. How quickly you could fall in love.

It had been in the school courtyard. Ayano was carrying her books in her arms, ready for her next class. 

She couldn't see where she was going. She tripped over a can some boy had just thrown-why were they throwing around litter?- and suddenly found herself on the ground, books spilled everywhere, knees stinging. These uniforms were really just not practical, Ayano decided. The ground, littered with sakura blossoms, was still hard stone underneath.

"Are you okay?" a voice asked. Ayano had pushed herself up, now on her knees.

It was a boy with black eyes and black hair.

Ayano's heart sped up. And then she knew, the emotionless girl knew, that this was love, that she loved this boy under the sakura trees.

He helped her up. She saved the can-he told her they had crushed it for a game. She may have also stolen the apple from his lunch, and a fallen button.

Taro Yamada. Her Senpai. 

But then her beautiful Taro started to be warded away-girls. Other girls.

She needed to eliminate them all. 

Osana ended up with her interactions ruined, Amai mysteriously contracted food poisoning and died, Kizana was bullied and killed herself, Oka apparently jumped from the school rooftop, Asu became Budo's girlfriend, Muja and Mira both mysteriously disappeared, Osoro was expelled, Hanako grew to like Ayano, and Megami... Well, Megami was last seen saying she was going home, and then, nothing.

*At The Present Time*

"Um... Hi, Taro-Senpai." Ayano said, a furious blush on her cheeks. 

"Hey. Aishi-san, right? Why did you want to see me?"

HE KNOWS MY NAME! Ayano screamed inside.

"YES!" Hanako squealed from the roof, watching her big brother and the only girl she wanted for Taro's girlfriend. "GO YAN-CHAN!"

As Ayano explained, Taro looked confused, and then turned red himself. 

Ayano turned away. "I'm sorry, I know it's sudden-"

And then he kissed her as the sakura blossoms fell around them.

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