The Finale

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I woke up early in the morning. It is still 5 am.


My cough is getting sharper and sharper. I sat in the middle of the bed and get my eye glasses and diary with a pen from the bed-side cabinet. I put my glasses on and I started writing in my diary.

As I was about to write, I hear the waves from the sea. I live in a seaside house. So I can clearly hear it and there are not much people who live in the seaside. There's only few. It's like this beach is private.

I decided to go outside my porch so I can see the beach and get ready for the sunrise.

And I started writing.

"Dear (Boy' name),

I woke up at exactly 5 am again. And as I woke up, the sound of the waves is the first thing that I'll hear then the cold wind comes second. Even if it happens to me ALWAYS, I keep on asking... Is it you? Well, if yes, maybe it's your way to remind me that you're always there..."

I look at the sea again.

Sea always calms me and it's just like the way I look at him...

After that incident...

I can't help but always cry. I already know that you left me alone but I keep on thinking of you. You are a good person and I know, that God will bring you happiness. So, even if I'm still a little sad for losing you, I know that you're smiling. It would have bloomed somewhere. I know you're happy now.

The sun is beginning to rise. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 3...2...1

And as I opened my eyes, the sun has risen.

"Good morning, (Boy' name)." I said with a smile.

A new day has come again. A new day to begin something new.

But for me... my days are always the same. Nothing has changed since the day you left me. When the first time I saw you, there's a part in my heart that says I want to spent my life with you but I ignored it because I'm too afraid that maybe you're just making fun of me.

I just met you and you can't blame me and then I just lost you.

I went back inside my room and fix myself.

It's funny that I always remember you when I'm fixing myself. It's because I got so curious about the letter which is that time, I still don't know who you are and because of curiosity, I make myself so pretty.

I prepared my breakfast after fixing myself.

It's also funny that I even imagine, if you're still alive and if we we're a lovely couple now, maybe I was waking you up right now then I'll prepare your delicious breakfast. We will eat, talk about stuffs that we want to do, talking about our dreams.

After taking my breakfast, I rode my bicycle and went to the park. While I'm riding my bike, you suddenly pop-up into my mind.

I just remembered the time that I was having trouble, thinking of how I will forget about you. Wondering if I could ever forget you someday but up until now, you're still in my mind. You're so precious that I don't want to give up on you. Sometimes, I hear couples having sweet talks and I was pretending that I didn't hear anything. Sweet talks remind me of you. You're charming smile and then you suddenly whisper to my ears. Things like that. Everything about you, I'm aware of it.

I wish I've written a vow in the sand but I remembered that it's already engraved onto my heart. You just died during summer seasons so I hope that maybe you could come over during summer seasons and I will keep on looking for vestiges.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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