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"Seo, he's over with."

The ring tone clicks and the man places his phone down, sighing softly, emotionless. He leans on his elbows and stares off for a minute before shifting his eyes to the dual computer screens, there he sees a figure swiftly take down his men at breakneck pace and glance at the lenses only for a second then the live feeds gradually shut off one by one.

He chuckles a bit to himself and the knock at his door throws him out of his reverie.

"Youngho. Target X is already at the main hall and he's-"

The man fixes his glasses as he listens to his earpiece, frowning at the news it seems.

"He's steadily making his way up to the West Atrium- Youngho you need to leave before he gets to you."

The said Youngho only shakes his head and raises a brow, an amused smile tugs at the corner of his lip as he stands up, his tall figure making shadows dance across the wooden floor amidst the white snow of the city skyline.

"Do you not have confidence in me, Mark?"

The latter bristled slightly at the sound of his name, giving Youngho a disapproving look at the casual tone.

"That's not my point, Youngho, my point is that once he gets to you he'll find everything we've built and turn it to bits and ashes- I did not become your COO only to fall to a mere runaway from halfway across the world-"

"And I didn't take you in as a lousy prodigy from halfway across the world only for you to- presumably- talk down on me like this. You heard me the first time and I won't. Repeat. Myself."

Mark steels his jaw and stares at Youngho sharply before narrowing his eyes.

"I may be your brother and right hand man, but Youngho? You're pushing this way too far and if you fall this time I can't promise that I can pick you back up again." For a second there, Youngho saw the compassion in his eyes.

Mark is his best friend after all, despite having strict professional relationships, times like this made the deep connection between them arise. Nevertheless, Youngho dismissed the pensive Korean man and did as he pleased.

He sat back in his luxurious swivel chair and watched as Target X effortlessly crossed his various CCTV feeds, his earpiece suddenly crackling with soft static.

"Seo. We're home base right now- where the hell are you at?!"

Youngho shook his head as if in reply, "Don't wait, Target X is about to negotiate with me soon enough."

With that, he plucked off the earpiece and stood up, dropping it and crushing it underneath his heel. He reaches into the pocket of his suit jacket and takes out a cigarette, lighting it easily as he waits, half sitting and half leaning on the front of his table.

As he slowly inhales, he unbuttons his cuffs and rolls it up midway to expose his forearms- just in case the negotiation got out of hand he was always ready for combat. He takes another puff and counts in his head, the smell of burning cigarette fills the office lightly as he presses a set of buttons on his desk.

Four, three, two...

His office door clicks open and Target X calmly walks in, his gun still latched in his holster, knife unmoved on his sides. Half of his face was concealed and only showed his eyes, round almond eyes, soft but held a glare of icy stoicism. He was also undeniably short, a good head and a half shorter than him- if not more- but physical size was not expressive of his skills.

Youngho almost groaned in satisfaction, but he kept his face expressionless.

This guy barrelled through several floors of his armed men and didn't even pull out a knife? He was impressed nonetheless.

"X is it? Did you save that gun and knife just for me? I'm flattered, really." Youngho singsongs airily, he takes another puff of the cigarette before rolling it between his thumb and pointer.

"Your Daegu operative has been eliminated, meaning SK ports are now for me to take- or maybe not- I hear stories of two others there but I've yet to take action."

Target X's eyes remain passive before he speaks, "You waited here for me instead of running with your lackeys, even your trustee right hand man left you here."

"Left? I ordered them to not mind me." Youngho speaks as smoke filters out of his mouth.

X draws his knife and swiftly throws it, landing on the cherrywood desk beside Youngho's awaiting hand.

"You compromised Qian at the Frontenac, what's the deal?" The smaller raises a brow in question.

Youngho presses the stub of his already finished cigarette on the tray to snuff it out, taking his time as he takes out another stick- keeping his lazy but sharp eyes trained on X as he does so.

"You compromised my negotiations at the Chinese Consulate not too long ago, it's only fair that I return the favor- but" The taller pauses as he pulls a small USB drive connected from his computer, "I think there's something you want to see this time."

He nears Target X, keeping their eyes locked as a thick tension hangs in the air, the smaller of the two is attacked by the mixed scents of the tall man; expensive cologne, cigar and the innate strong scent that seemed to form his aura. His sharp eyes exuded confidence, determination and that familiar animalistic ardor. He opens his hand and before Youngho could drop the small metallic drive on his palm, he pulls him close and for a moment, the shorter one falters.

His eyes slightly widen as Youngho draws close to his ear.

"If you're sent here to kill me... You could've done so while you were shamelessly throwing yourself on me- touching me like that so boldly- tsk tsk such a violent little thing you are."

He froze at the presence of his target, he felt his large hand trail down his side towards his hips. Swallowing harshly, he suppressed the familiar shiver threatening to wrack his senses. The hand swiftly picks at the trusty butterfly knife on his back holster. He smelled strongly of cigarettes mixed with the familiar array of expensive colognes that he owned, a fusion of scents that he was strongly repulsed with after being around him so often.

Youngho's other hand is quick to pin the latter's free hand, leaving the two with a knife's edge to both of their throats. That's when the taller begins to smile, wickedly, sadistically and full of untamed fury in his large brown eyes. Youngho licks his lips in response to the shorter's fiery glare, albeit the hate in his eyes.

Youngho knew he'd hesitate, he knew he wouldn't have a knife in his throat savagely tearing his jugular in two, "Do it, Chittaphon, I wanna see you do it."

They don't know how many minutes passed by then, the icy-hot tension still hung heavily around them and Youngho was firm on acting about it. He releases the butterfly knife as the smaller does in unison, letting them fall carelessly.

"What's wrong? You're acting like this is new, Ten?"

His hand yet again moves up Ten's slender neck, he gasps softly as the familiar buzz begins in his head, Youngho gradually adding pressure to his grip.

Ten was failing, he knew it, he couldn't do it. Betraying his team and captain like this, he went against all rules and policies pursuing the cursed Seo Youngho. To finally put an end to his tyrannic influence in the criminal underground. He was the reason Ten became the way he did, an icy killer, a heartless soldier, a slave to the underworld. Ten was a victim of Youngho's incompetence in keeping his underground dealings, putting innocents into the crossfire and most of all- killing one of his trusted friends. He knew that this was a dangerous job and that they could potentially stop breathing at any point in their life.

But he couldn't accept it, Ten knew that Youngho knew about the repercussions of what he did and yet he pushed through anyway. Putting himself on the spotlight for all of the world to see his glorious empire, an empire of senseless death and bloodied money.



hi :) how are you guys?

the hollow-verse has now expanded, enjoy :D

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