•the darkest day•

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"Tony, I swear, I wasn't making out with that guy."
"I saw you, Y/N, don't lie to me!"
"I'm not lying to you! He wanted to talk to me about some business with Stark Industries. We only went into the side room so we could actually hear each other!"
"Ugh, you know what, Y/N? I've had enough of this bullshit. I'm leaving."
"Anthony Edward Stark!"
"Don't talk to me. I can't even stand to see your face right now. Every cell inside me is screaming 'I hate you' right now."
"Fine! I hate you too!" you huffed as Tony walked out, slamming the door behind him.
Realisation sinking in, you sunk down into the couch, burying your head in your hands.
"What have I done... What have I done..."
You were telling the truth. You hadn't done anything with that guy, other than talk. He was genuinely interested in Stark Industries, not plain, old you. He wasn't even your type.
Tony was pretty drunk and obviously didn't really have a clue what he was talking about.
You signed, thinking you should really go after him. Although, on the other hand, maybe he needed some time to cool off and sober up a bit.
Wiping the drying mascara from your cheeks, you stood up and slipped your heels off, leaving them on the rug.
Making your way into the kitchen, you flipped the kettle on and began making some tea. You grabbed a mug and a teabag, opening the fridge and picking up the milk.
The kettle dinged and you poured the boiling water into the mug. Your stirred it around before removing the teabag and adding the milk.
You walked back into the living room, sitting back down on the couch and flicking on the TV. You weren't particularly watching it, you just wanted some background noise, not being able to stand complete silence. It was the normal news channel, nothing exciting, really. Some poor teenage girl murdered, a man arrested for selling illegal drugs, another terrorist attack somewhere.
You sighed and blew on your tea before taking a small sip. Sometimes Tony's jealously would be cute, and just end up in apologies and kisses. But sometimes it got out of hand, mainly when he was drunk, and it would end in shouting and slamming, much like tonight. But, eventually, he'd apologise and you'd be fine again.
It didn't take long for you to finish you tea and lay your head down on the arm of the sofa. Your eyes began to droop and you could feel yourself drifting off, sleep engulfing you.
You woke with a start several hours later, your phone blaring loudly and the TV flashing. You picked your phone up. Sixty three missed calls.
"What the hell..." you mumbled.
Most of them were from Pepper, your best friend and Tony's personal assistant.
"Pepper...?" you answered, sleepily, not really understanding. "What's going on?"
You could hear her crying on the end of line, muffled cries that alarmed you.
"Oh my god, Y/N. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, Y/N. I can't believe it. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. He came to mine and he was shouting and drunk and so, so stupid. Then he just left, and walked into the street and... and..."
But you weren't listening to Pepper anymore, the main headline on the news had caught your attention.
You immediately dropped the phone from your ear. Your whole body was shaking. There was a ringing in your ears and your vision went all blurry.
He's dead.
He's dead.
He's dead.
He's dead.
Sobs wracked through your body before you even knew what was happening, your brain refusing to process it properly.
No, no, no, no.
It's not true, he's not gone.

But he was.

~3 Months Later~
"We are here today in loving memory of Anthony Edward Stark, known to his friends and family as Tony..."
You couldn't focus on a word this man was saying. The pitying looks, the pats on the back, the sorrow-laced words... You couldn't be more sick of it. You didn't want attention, you didn't want people to feel sorry for you, you just wanted, all you wanted...
Was to feel whole again.
But you knew that you would never feel such a thing again.
"Now, Tony's wife, Y/N is going to say some words. Mrs Stark?"
Taking a deep breath, you let go of Pepper's hand-you didn't even realise you'd be holding it-and headed up to the front.
"I've never been great with words. I guess that's why me and Tony worked so well. I told him all my messy half thoughts and he would turn them into beautiful ideas. I don't want to say too much. What is there to say? He's gone. And he's never coming back. And I don't know how to live anymore. I can't remember how to breathe properly. And you know what the worst part is? The last thing I said to him... The only man I've ever loved... The only man I'll ever love... The last thing I said to him, was 'I hate you'."

The Darkest Day - Tony Stark x Reader OneshotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora