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King ghidorah, as a Faunus and a good guy for a change, attending beacon and can turn into his true form at will scares the shit out of everyone at least once.

The pursuer from dark souls, in an anime world of sorts (familiar of zero, RWBY, berserk, fairy tale, ext.)

SCPs in remnant (-682, -999, -047, -303, -001) all changes to SCPs are to make them OP but not unstoppable except -303 and -999 they're alright

An ork kommando crashes his ship onto a world and with no way of long distance communication, will need to settle on that world
world ideas: RWBY in the desert in Menagerie, Starcraft on a planet half infested with Zerg
A planet from starwars maybe kashyyyk

ANGRY MARINE on a random world, hilarity ensues.

A rwby and terminator fan, gets sent to the rwby universe as a T-3000 from terminator genesis with a modified BFG-9000 that only needs to recharge (because I really don't want to explain how it gets ammo in this world).

A big time WoW gamer turns into his character and gets sent to Aincrad in SAO season 1 with his mount. And gets mistaken for a monster on multiple occasions.

A familiar of zero fan gets summoned instead of Saito and as a Protoss probe with the ability to transform into Any Protoss unit from the games (including the tal'darim) and carbot animations although as a smaller size.
The normal Protoss will be sized like the lore (so the colossus will be huge) and the Carbot variants will be various sizes.

A slightly less psychotic deadpool in the world of rwby and ruins cinders plans, for shits and giggles (maybe a shit ton of puns) and generally messing around.

an Arpeggio of blue steel crossover

Girl attends beacon but has 'terrible' secret: she can turn into a nuckelavee Grimm

Pirates of the Caribbean and assassins creed black flag crossover yarr~

A rwby fan wakes up one day as a baby Grimm and gets lives with one of the character in a
pre-volume 1 environment maybe

The Soul of Cinder from darksouls3 sent to a random world, sets stuff on fire, hilarity ensues

The ability to possess inanimate objects

The Gamer abilities +hax so INSTANT OP STUFF

Rwby Warhammer bloodthirster thing maybe

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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