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"Stop Stop..... Please just stop it hurts so much...." she cried out as he held her down to the bed smiling sadistically at her futile attempts for mercy. Her hair lay wet and matted around her face as she was sweating from the effort to escape the mans arms. "Awe honey you know not to fight...how many times do we have to go through this" The woman above her cooed out as she held a syringe in her hand staring down at the little girl laying on the bed in a torn dress her face marked with pure terror. The man holding the little girl down roughly grabbed the girls arm before he held it out, the little girls screaming became louder and full of distress as she saw the needle coming closer to her arm. "Please! Stop I'll be a good girl I promise just please stop!" She cried out in a last attempt to receive mercy. "Sorry Ella Mae but you need to learn to be a good girl and not to disrespect us" The woman tutted as she stuck syringe into the little girls arm silencing her screams as she went limp in the males arms. "Goodnight my love...may tomorrow be a better night for us" the male whispered as he kissed her forehead, untangling himself from the little girls arms he rose from the bed exciting the room with his wife.


Ella Mae came back from whatever state of mind she was currently in and looked down her eyes widening in horror at what lay before her. There lay a man with his throat ripped open with a poll of blood surrounding him, Ella slowly reached her hand upwards and touched her chin before retracting her hand to stare at her hand in pure guilt. Her fingers drenched in blood, she immediately started to shake the man crying her eyes out "wake up sir I'm so sorry please just wake up I didn't mean to" she sobbed out as she soon started to bang her fists against the mans chest crying her eyes out. "I didn't mean to lose control I was just so hungry....I'm so sorry I didn't want to hurt you" she screamed out allowing her head to fall onto his chest as she sobbed for a good five minutes before quietening down reducing to hiccups. Once her hiccups have vanished she lifted her was before looking at the man her eyes dull void of emotion before she let out a small whisper "Now you go night night....I wish I would have gone night night but I woke up...." she then stood and walked off into the darkness of the street humming a soft tune that was embedded into her mind leaving the body to rot in the middle of the street.

There's a little teaser of what's might come hope you enjoyed it. Should I continue this story ?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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