Hanging out with the booze

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Mahiru POV-

Kuro and I were on our way to hangout with the other Eves and Servamps. Kuro wasn't that excited but I was. When we got there everyone expected the Servamps was drinking booze.

"Mahiru, big brother I'm glad you came," Lawless said while Licht was with the other Eves.

"Now big brother you're coming with me. And Mahiru go to the other Eves," Lawless said as he took Kuro to the other Servamps. So I walked to the other Eves.

"Mahiru I'm glad you came," Misono said while  handing me some booze. Which I excepted then popping the top off and taking a sip.

"Being honest, how long did it take you to get him up?" Licht asked which surprised me. I was thinking Misono was going to ask me that but, nope. Licht did.

"This time not that long. Like 5-7 minutes," I said which surprised me as while as everyone else. "I know right but, he did complain all the way here."

"So how was your week?" Tetsu asked before taking another sip of his own booze.

"Pretty good to be honest," I said then taking a sip of my booze. "I mean other then Kuro being on my back all day everyday." Then everyone laughs at the way I finished my thought, and I started to laugh too. I don't know if it's the booze or something else but, I got a feeling we won't remember anything from tonight.

Kuro POV-

When I looked over at all of the Eves they were laughing about something but, I couldn't make out what.

"I have feeling that they won't be themselves," Lawless said.

Agreed," all of us said thinking about how they will make a fool of themselves.

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