Writer's Corner

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Do you feel that your story is swallowed by all the big accounts and their 100k reads?

Writer's Corner allows Wattpad authors - regardless of their genre - a place to share and experience one another's work.


Here's how it (ideally) will work:

1. Comment your story title (or a single chapter) & what genre it is in HERE 👉🏽

2. Scroll through the comments to find a genre or story title that you think sounds interesting and give it a read

3. IF YOU WOULD LIKE A PERSONALIZED SHOUTOUT to your story/chapter, follow the following few steps:
3A) Comment your story title, genre and three line synopsis HERE 👉🏽
3B) Tag another account
3C) Recommend a story you think is amazing (just add the story title and author name)

So your comment should look like this (please include step 3A, 3B, 3C all in ONE COMMENT)

Your story name: "Just Like This"
Genre: "Horror"
[OPTIONAL] Chapter: "When No One's There" (this step is only if you'd only like a review/shoutout for a specific chapter e.g. In one shots)
Tag: @AnotherAccount
Recommendation: "Love Conquers" by @AwesomeWriter

If you do not follow ALL steps, your entry will not be considered valid for a shoutout

Mainly this "story" is here as a hub for you to find new stories of any genre, for others to find your stories and for the Wattpad authors to support one another

If you have any questions, please feel free to comment them or message me directly.

Happy writing & reading!

Lots of  ‪ ‬,

Writer's Corner • 2017Where stories live. Discover now