Sam and Louis

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For Sam_ROTC_Bane:

You and Louis grew up together. You laughed, played, picked on each other all of your lives. You always had a thing for him, but you always thought he didn't feel the same towards you. Your parents always said you two belonged to each other, but you never wanted to mess up the friendship, so you remained friends through school.

But then you both grew up. He went on to living his dream of being a famous singer, and you moved on to being in the Air Force, an EOD.

He hugged you at the airport and then you left to go overseas for a year and a half. The last memory you had of him was the look on his face as you entered the plane, which took you to the Middle East.

As you were there, you lived your dream, but you never felt whole because your other half was off with four other people singing. You could never blame him for leaving. He was off to do what he loves and you were too. That's it. Point. Blank. End of story.

Then you got news, after those long days of work, that you'd finally be going home for a whole year. After being gone, you'd be able to see your best friend.

You quickly packed your things and flew back. Once you arrived, you ran in the house, only to find it empty. You arrived at his house, to find his presance no longer existing. You quickly contact his mum and she tells you the location of the studio.

Once you get to the studio, you tell the resceptionists exactly who you are and demand to see Louis. She phones Simon Cowell and he lets you in. As you enter the studio, you see Louis in a soundbooth, eyes closed, sitting next to four other people, his band mates.

"What song are they singing?" You ask, and Simon is quick to tell you that it's 'I should've kissed you,' a song Louis, himself, had helped write.

The song ends and Louis opens his eyes. His meet yours and he drops the headset on the floor and stumbles past the other people to get to the door. He swings it open and embrasses you, picking you up and spinning around.

"I missed you so much Sam," he whispers in your ear, a tear running down his cheek. You laugh.

"Getting soft on me already, Tomlinson?"

"Never," he says, his eyes, once again, meeting your own.

"Kiss her mate! She's hot," the curly haired one says from the sound booth. A smile crosses his face, dimples showing as Louis flips him off.

You laugh and then Louis does it. He kisses you, sending a chill over your whole body. He pulls away moments later.

"Sorry. But I should've kissed you when I had the chance," he says.

You shake your head. "I don't care. Just do it again," you say, and he does.

"I love you, Bane."

"I love you too, Tomlinson."

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