1.Dear Elijah

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Dear Elijah,

I haven't written to you in what has to be almost 400 years. Oh Elijah I miss you so. Our children miss you dearly. Please come back to me.

I never lied about you being Wesson and Delilah's father. I swear Klaus just got jealous and told you they were his. Write me back and I'll explain everything.

Your Wife Estelle

I placed the letter in an envelope with a stamp. Elijah was in New Orleans trying to get Klaus to the top once again.

At the moment I was staying with the Salvatore brothers in Mystic Falls. How I met them is still kinda a blur but I am sure that Klaus had something to do with it. He surely tried to kill me and almost succeeded until Stefan and Damon found me.

"Hey Estelle how's the arm." The voice of Stefan Salvatore rang through the room.

"Ah well it's healing. Not back to normal but getting there. I have one favor to request."

"What would that be?"

"I have a letter for Elijah Mikaelson. This needs to be delivered to him soon. Seeing as I am not well yet I can't get it to him."

"Why Elijah?Hasn't he tried to kill you? Those Mikaelson's are evil."

"Stefan trust me. I know Elijah much better than you. I've known him for much longer too."

"I will bring this to him as long as you promise to tell me exactly why I need to get him the letter."

"Fine but don't tell Damon. He is an ass about these things." I gestured for him to sit in the chair near the bed. "During the time before vampires existed I was madly in love with Elijah. Klaus was jealous of his brother. Elijah and I wanted to have a child together so we did."

"Wait a second Elijah has children?Wasn't he a vampire already?"

"Yes he has 2 children. I was 16 and he was 19 when we fell in love. By the end of 8 months into my pregnancy he became a vampire. When I was giving birth Elijah gave me some of his blood to make sure I wouldn't die. I lived through the birth only for Klaus to snap my neck only 4 hours after they were born. Unknowingly he turned me into one of them."

"So you were the first vampire not turned by witches?"

"Goodness Stefan do you listen. Yes, I was the first non-Milaelson to be a vampire. Elijah tried to leave me because he was afraid of hurting our children. His anger was strong and made him extremely murderous. I told him he couldn't leave me without someone to protect the children. After all at that time if a girl had a child before she was married no man would take her not even her father. Elijah only agreed to stay if I would marry him and we would all run from Klaus."

"How'd you get to America?"

"I gladly became Estelle Mikaelson. Then we ran all over Europe trying to hide. At least until Klaus caught wind of Katerina Petrova then we could stay in one place until our children began to look older than us. Delilah and Wesson were 20 when they turned. They had both furthered our lineage so Elijah and I turned them. This cycle continued for almost 2 centuries. Klaus got angry at Elijah again because he wanted to be the one to marry me so he killed every descendent he could find. This made Elijah and I bring our children to America along with anyone we could find still living."

"That's when Katerina came to America too. Klaus followed her."

"Good job Stefan you can put the puzzle together. Elijah was mad because Klaus wanted to ruin our family. Klaus said that Delilah and Wesson were his. I knew they weren't but he refused to listen and ran away with Klaus to New Orleans. Our children miss their father dearly, and I miss my husband. I haven't written or spoke with him in almost 200 years."

"I'll get this to him. Thank you." And as fast as you can say bye he was gone. The vampire sped out of the Salvatore mansion.

My wife Estelle,

Dear I can't leave Klaus. He is too crazy without anyone holding him back. New Orleans is in danger if I were to leave. Love I wish I could come back but there is absolutely no way I could do that. I can write you whenever.

There's a chance you could visit New Orleans if I can manage to get Klaus subdued for a while. I do miss Delilah and Wesson dearly. Tell me where you are living and I may be able to meet you.

I forgive you. Klaus lied about our children. Please allow me to call you my wife again.

Elijah Mikaelson

Heya so I wanna do some vampire diaries and Originals one shots. so yeah first one I thought up after thinking about who my fav original is. Disclaimer I am not done with season7 of vampire diaries and have yet to watch any of the originals(I will soon). Comment!!!!!!! Vote!!!!!! Tell Your Friends!!!!!! Thank You!!!!!  

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