New Girl?

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Kylie's pov

"Kylie time to get up for school!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

"Ugh" i groaned as i got up. First day of school as the new girl, yay. Note the sarcasm. You see I have been kicked out of so many schools in the past year, my mom decided it was time to move. She thought it'd be a fresh start.

"Psh, like thats gonna change anything." I thought.

I did my usual morning routine. Brushed my teeth, straightened my long blonde hair and applied makeup.

I got dressed in some skinny jeans, combat boots, and my leather jacket. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

"Hey can you give me a ride to school?" my little brother Carter asked.

"Ugh why can't you ride the bus?"

"Ew, no."

"Fine, whatever." I said annoyed.

"See you later mom we're gonna be late!" I yelled.

"Don't get kicked out again!" she yelled back.

"No promises!" I laughed.

I walked out the door and into my black range rover. I guess you can say my family is wealthy. My moms a doctor and my dads a lawyer. Witch is one of the reasons they're never home.

We got in and drove to school.

We entered the building and went to the main office to get our schedules.

"Well I guess this is it." i said.

"Yup." he said.

"Well bye." we said at the same time and went our separate ways.

Carter and I don't exactly have a close relationship, as you can tell.

I heard the bell ring, signaling that class has started.

"Oh well, wasn't going to class this early anyway." I thought.

I started walking around until I got bored and finally decided to find my class. English. Greaaaaat.

I finally found my English class and walked inside. Everyone in the room was staring at me and whispering.

"Isn't that Kylie Carson the bad girl?"

"Yeah i heard she's been to jail before."

"Damn she's hot." i heard people whisper. I rolled my eyes and turned my head to the teacher.

"Hi can i help you?" he asked.

"I'm Kylie" i said.

"Oh yes, Mrs. Carson. Im Mr. Jen, i was expecting you 15 minutes ago."

"Yeah well i got lost" i lied.

"Ok please take a seat next to.. Mr. Bieber. Mr. Bieber raise your hand."

A boy with dirty blonde hair that was gelled into a perfect quiff raised his hand. He was wearing a black v neck with black skinny jeans and white supras. His perfect caramel eyes was staring right at me with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and sat down. I pretty much spent the entire class period playing on my phone or doodling on my notebook. I could feel the guy next to me stare deeply at me but when I looked at him, he would turn around. The bell rang signaling it was the end of class.

- Lunch time -

I stopped by my locker to put all this shit the teachers gave me. Like I'm gonna do any of that crap. I decided I've had enough of school and decided to ditch for the rest of the day. I texted Carter telling him i left school and that i couldn't drive him home. I was walking to my car when i felt like someone was behind me but i choose to ignore it and kept walking.

All of a sudden i feel strong arms push me up against the drivers door of my car. I looked up and saw the guy who sat next to me in English. And let me tell you, this kid had the most beautiful eyes i have ever seen. He was smirking, again. Its like that smirk never leaves his face.

"Well, well, well look who's ditching on her first day."

"Get the fuck off me, why do you care?" i snapped, shoving him.

"So, wanna come over my place and have some fun" he winked.

"Please, I'd rather be stranded on a desert" i said getting off his grip.

"Feisty arent we?"

I was loosing my temper and I wanted to punch him really bad. Next thing you know my fist collided with his jaw.

"Ow! What the fuck was that for?!"

"For being an ass" i said as i opened the door to my car.

He was getting angry i knew it.

"Don't worry babe ill get you soon." he said, spitting out some blood.

I started laughing at what he said. I started my car "yeah right" I yelled through the window and drove off.

Once I got home, I was by myself, like always. I always wonder why we have this huge house if no one is ever home. We could've just stuck to a normal sized house. I was tired so I decided to take a nap. Before I knew it I fell into a deep slumber.


Hey guys! This is my very first story that I have ever written. I really hope you enjoy it. Please comment if you want me to continue. I dont want to write a story that no one is going to read. Until next time! I hope (:

- J

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