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What is love, except something one hopes to find in their life.
The lucky ones find it effortlessly.
Fuck you!
Others find it and lose it.
It's always about love, as it should be.
But books and movies, stories in general makes us desire.

Desire is the greatest power of all.
It's driving, it gives a purpose, it's fulfilling once you get what you want.
But what about those who don't.
It makes us cry, it tears us apart.
It's like a drug we can't live without.
Love is like that to me.
Everybody feels is differently.
Fuck me, because I feel everything so damn passionately.

To everybody I loved, thank you.
I learned who I was by loving you.
To those I love, fuck you.
I am in a mood right now, please don't approach me.
To those I will love, bless you.
I am not the easiest person to be with.
Love drives me crazy.
It's desiring so dearly something I can't have.
'What am I doing wrong?' I ask myself all the time.
Am I hopeless to think so greatly of something that doesn't want me?
Hopeless? Maybe not not.
Crazy? Without a shadow a doubt.

Me, UncensoredWhere stories live. Discover now