A promise for Zoë Nightshade

379 13 11

Percy's POV

I got off Blackjack, my hair was still dripping wet and my body was shaking from dipping in the River Styx.

Sticks and stones scraped my legs, not leaving a trace as I plunged up the growth of the island, in front of me I saw him, the man I hate.


In one swift movement, I ran up to him, my anger boiling and being used through my sword strokes, Riptide aimlessly flung off his immortal body, only doing so much as dazing him.

I plunged my foot forward, sending him flying across the ground.

Images of her and my vision flashed through me, Zoe leading Hercules safely through the garden. How he abandoned her, how he didn't help her and didn't acknowledge that she helped him.

"It's your fault!" I muttered at him, his face shot up out of a mulberry, Hercules was the cold of a tomato.

"That was for Zoë Nightshade!" I spat at him, throwing Riptide at his face, using it as a distraction while I ran back to Blackjack, using the moment to launch off into the air, away from the stupified and screaming Hercules.

(I don't know, maybe later I'll extend it. But I'm confused :/)

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2015 ⏰

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