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Dio awoke after reliving yesterday's events in his subconscious

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Dio awoke after reliving yesterday's events in his subconscious. The never-ending screams of anguish and pain assaulted every corner of his mind, with the echoing sounds of flesh being torn from the bone. This past, this past he'd give anything to forget. Dio wished he was the one who was obliterated yesterday, He wouldn't have to explain the traumatic experience in vivid and grotesque detail to the superior officers stationed in the 1st segment of Pyrg, where he resides. Worry filled Dio's insides as he shivered, He did the exact thing that normal Pyrgians dare not do for their own safety.

Kill a Teras.

Other Pyrgians would've just accepted their impending demise, but Dio did the exact opposite. He took his personal pocket knife and stabbed the Troktiko Teras, inserting the knife into the tendons in the vertebrae of it's neck and slitting the Troktiko Teras's throat wide open. He recalled the Teras's squeal of pain before thrashing around trying it's hardest to remove the knife from the wide gash, trying to prevent the inevitable, before it's struggling slowed to a halt and it ceased living, dying from asphyxiation. Dio couldn't believe he did it at first, He had no real experience with violence and a weapon beforehand. He was only 12 years old after all!

Dio shivered once more curling up on his mattress made of soft, dried grasses, wondering if everything that happened yesterday was a bad dream, a bad dream of which he'll never wake up from. Dio was so deep in thought he almost missed the knock at his door and the booming voice, "Open up! This the Pyrgian Reaper Society's Commanding Officer for the 1st Segment, Dean Bapi!". As soon as the booming voice quieted down into silence, Dio knew his life would be coming to an end by Dean Bapi's own Reaping Scythe. Hesitantly Dio nervously tiptoed closer to the front door, before squeezing his eyes shut and tearing the door open to face the 1st Segment' s Commanding Officer along with two subordinates. "Hello Child, Do you know anything about the Troktiko Teras carcass a mile from here?" Dean inquired before continuing.

"It was found with a pocket knife inserted in a gash in it's Throat and Neck region," Dean informed, his bold voice roaring with dominance. Dio partially frightened by Dean's intimidate tone of voice, nodded in reply."Oh really? Do you perhaps know who is responsible for it's obliteration and their current location? Or who the other corpses that were found in the same relative area are?". Dio swallowed away the rasp in his dry throat before nervously responding, "I killed the Teras, Sir. I'll tell you right now I have no idea whatsoever of how I managed to kill it. I don't know what came over me Sir, What I managed to do to that Teras felt natural. It felt natural to slit the throat of an unstable, uncontrollable, and dangerous Creature, all on my own. Sir, I have just one question for you. Do you think there is anything wrong with me Sir?".

Dio waited for a response from the Commanding officer in serene silence, nervously wondering what would happen to him, whether he is convicted by the Pyrgian Reaper Society or left alone without punishment. It seemed like an eternity had passed before Dio was finally presented with an answer. "It seems to me that you have little but sensible knowledge of Violence and attacking others out of defense. Also by the process of elimination, I can only guess the other corpses found in the area were once apart of your family. Seeing as how irresponsible it would be to leave a child in a vicinity that was recently attacked, I see no option other than delivering you to the Official Reaper Training Camp and Barracks, where You'll eventually gain enough knowledge and experience to graduate from the encampment as a Reaper." Dean paused before changing the subject, "Ah, forgive me, I never asked for your name, which is?"

"My name is Dio, Dio Leae."

"I look forward to seeing you in class there, young man. Dio, Welcome to Reaper-Hood. You'll enjoy your time there, won't you?"

"Yes, Sir."

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