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    Boot soles smack against the ground in a rhythmic fashion. Lungs burn from overuse, heart pumping at its max. All that escapes parted lips is wheezy breaths and gasps for air. Spots start to dance at the edges of tear-blurred vision. At the turn of the dark street corner, a grubby hand manages to grasp at the hood of her jacket. One of her pursuers finally caught her.

A scream slices through the air as her body is jerked back.

><><><NewFile.01: Earlier><><><


That's when you were supposed to get out of work. It's been over 4 hours since then. Based on the complete darkness surrounding you, it has to be getting close to midnight. The only breaks in the pitch blackness are the few spaced out spots where street lamps cast their protective glow, just like the very spot you are standing under.

You slide your phone from your back pocket and check the time, casually leaning back against the exterior of your usual pick-up spot.


Yep, you were so going to kill your lovely roommate for bailing out on picking you up from work. You know she got your text about having to work later than you thought tonight, but she still hasn't shown. You're cold, tired, and slowly getting more and more creeped out at the silence. The shadows around you seem to be playing tricks on you. Every so often your head snaps to the side, only to see nothing but the darkened, empty, and barren streets greet you.

A growl echoes from your figure. With a slight blush, you pull your jacket more around yourself, subtly hiding your belly from the world. You are also hungry, very hungry. The last thing you had was some take out from that place around the corner from your lovely little residence. That was last night. Last. Night. Today has been an overly busy day, so you haven't exactly gotten a chance to grab some grub yet- where the hell is your roommate already!?

Feeling a little fed up with how long you've had to wait (you got out of work an hour ago, but come on!), you yank your phone from your pocket. With a swipe, it's unlocked and you angrily start to tap out a "well-worded" message to your roommate.

A best fucking friend in the world your ass.

You can only wonder if that place with the yummy fried squid would still be open at this hour. Suddenly, from down the street, a crash can be heard. You jump, phone flying from your grasp. It collides with sidewalk with a loud thunk. You gap at the device for a second before diving for it with a shrill, lengthy "no" of anguish. The new-ish device is plucked from the ground and thoroughly inspected for damage. None is found. You breathe a sigh of relief before hearing some noises from down the street again. Another crash is heard, and this time you start to freak.

A loud, almost pained yowl can be heard. You can feel your heart crack a bit at the sound of the poor thing. Without thinking you get up off your knees and start moving frantically to the source of the noise. It's not like you could just ignore what sounds like a poor animal in need.

The noise is a lot further down the street than you thought. With it being the time it is, there is a vacant sense of silence and space. Echoing is only to be expected, and you finally find the right spot.

In a space between two buildings is a small kitten, the end of an upturned crate pinning its poor paw down. Your feet take you towards the opposite end of the space where the kitten is. Speaking in a hushed, motherly voice to help calm the small thing down, you immediately fall to your knees to push the crate aside. You carefully scoop the creature into your hands and cuddle it close to your chest to inspect it over. The tiny thing lets out a little mewl.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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