Chapter 1

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AN: Hi. So in this book Ima switch between Third POV (point of view) and a POV of some of the characters. Thats all. Thanks >.< 

(Third POV)

"Today's the day, Alya," Marinette said enthusiastically, "Today's the day I'm going to tell Adrien how I feel!" 

"You go girl!" Alya replied.

"All right, here we go,"Marinette stumbled forward, tripped over a rock, and fell right in front of Adrien.

Adrien was waiting outside of the school for his body guard to come pick him up. "Oh, Hey Marinette," he said, holding out a hand to help her up. 

When Marinette's eyes met his, her cheeks instantly grew red. "A-Adrien," she stuttered, "" 

Adrien smiled, "heh."

Marinette took a deep breath, "Adrien, I have something important to tell you," she paused, "I have had the biggest crush on you for the longest time, and I'm sure you've already noticed that by now. So I was wondering if you would want to go to the movies or something with me?" She finished quickly.   

Adrien looked surprised, "Marinette, you're and amazing person, and I would love to go to the movies with you but...Well I don't really know how to say this, I'm in love with someone else."

Marinette nodded, "I-I understand." 

While Marinette ran home, her tears flowed like a waterfall down her cheeks as she gasped in huge amounts of air at once. All she could hear was the sound of her heart breaking and those words over and over again, "I'm in love with someone else."

When Marinette reached her room she threw her purse on the floor, plopped herself on the bed, and buried her face in her pillow. 

"Marinette?" Tikki popped out of her purse, "Are you okay?"

"Adrien just rejected me," she sniffed, "Of course I'm not okay."

Tikki looked around for something to cheer her up when all of the sudden, they heard screams from outside. Tikki looked out the window. "Marinette, someone's been akumatized!" she yelled, "It looks like your dad! He's turning everything, even people, into bread! You have to save Paris!"

"I'm sure Chat Noir can handle it on his own," Marinette said, squeezing her pillow.

"Marinette, maybe saving Paris with Chat Noir is what you need to take your mind off Adrien," Tikki suggested.

"AA-ADRI-IEE-EEN," Marinette cried as she shoved her face back in her pillow. 

"You're the only one who can catch the akuma," Tikki nudged Marinette's shoulder.

"Fine," Marinette wiped her tears, "Tikki spots on," she said, less excited than usual.  

(Chat Noir's POV)

"Finally here M'lady?" I said as Ladybug landed on the street, beside me. 

"Hey," she didn't seem as happy as usual, but I decided to ignore it.....for now.

"The akuma is in his rolling pin," I pointed to the big rolling pin in the akumatized citizen's hand. He was shooting purple rays of light out of it that turned things into bread. "Let's go," I said as I charged forward with my pole in my hand.

"I am the Dark Baker, no one shall stop me!" he yelled as he shot one of  his purple rays at me. I blocked it with my pole. We went back and forth with it, shooting and blocking, shooting and blocking. Ladybug helped some but she didn't seem that into it today. She used her lucky charm and got a bag of flower. She looked around and spotted my pole. She threw the bag at me and I hit it like a baseball, causing the bag to rip open and send flower flying everywhere. While the Dark Baker's vision was clouded I went in and knocked him out with my pole. Once the flower cleared, Ladybug grabbed the rolling pin and tried to break, but it was too big to break so easily, so I had to use my cataclysm. The akuma tried to fly away but Ladybug caught it and turned Paris back to normal. 

She was about to throw her yo-yo and zoom off when I yelled, "Ladybug, wait!"

She turned around, "Chat, I know what you're gonna say and the answer is no. I can't show you who I really am."

"Thats not what I was going to say. I wanted to talk to you. You seemed a today. Are you alright? Is something bothering you," I asked as I walked closer to her.

"Y-yeah," she nodded, "But it's not a big deal, really, I'll be fine."

I continued walking closer until I was close enough to wrap my hands around her's, "If you're upset, than it's a big deal to me."

"Chat, you're almost out of time," she said as my ring blinked and got down to its last pad." 

"You too," I said her earring blinked as well and got down to its last spot. "How's this, we'll find a hiding spot somewhere close by and get our kwamis some food. Once we're ready, we meet back here," I suggested.

"Okay," she nodded and then ran off into a nearby shop. 

I turned around and spotted an alleyway witch I ran into. I changed back to Adrien and Plagg fell into my cupped hands. 

"I'm soooooo tired," he complained. I held up some cheese and he rushed towards it. "Ya, know," he said between chews, "You're putting a real strain on me, but don't worry. As long as you have camembert, I'll always be your wingman."

"Wow, thanks," I said sarcastically, "Now, Plagg, Claws out!"

I ran out of the alley to see Ladybug standing in the spot that I had said to meet. "Do you wanna talk up on that building?" I asked.

"Sure," she swung up onto the roof and I used my pole. We sat down beside each other.

"So, are you comfortable telling me what's bothering you?" I asked.

"Yes," she began, "There's this guy I like." 

Those words. Those five words. They were enough to break my heart into a million pieces. But no matter how hurt I was, I had to be strong, I couldn't cry, or be jealous. I had to be there for my Ladybug. 

"I decided to tell him how I feel a-and," she was holding back tears, "He rejected me, Chat! He broke my heart!" She buried her face in my shoulder and began sobbing. 

I put my arm around her and said, "What's his name, I'll go teach that jerk a lesson." No one hurts my Ladybug and gets away with it. 

"His name is Adrien," What did she just say! "There's no need to hurt him. It's my fault. I should have never told him how I feel."

"A-adrien Agreste? The model?" I panicked. 

She looked at me with her big blue belle eyes. I could practically see the pain and sadness in them. "Yes," she sniffed. 

Marinette, could you be Ladybug?

I realized I had made a huge mistake as Adrien, but I was going to be there for her as Chat Noir. "M'lady, you can stay here with me as long as you want. I'm not going anywhere; I'll always be here for you," I said as she leaned her head on my shoulder. 

Thanks for reading >.º

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