Reader x yandere Tsuna 3

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"Ok. so first we need to know where the main exits are ,once we know where that is we'll divide into groups of three."you said."then we'll be free."

"What happens if someone sees us?"asked Lenka .

"Find anything that can be used as a weapon,but remember to help each other out if anything happens.They key thing is to get everyone out safe."you said.


You and Lenka both stared at the little girl with a pink flower in her hair.She just smiled blankly.

"Y-yeah,we'll do that afterwards."

Lenka translated then plan to the rest of the teenagers.They all split up to look for the main exits .

"You think they'll be alright?"you asked.

"They're a careful bunch,they'll be fine.


"Alright (y/n), we found the main exits."


You divided everyone into three groups.You all left the room quietly.

"All.know.where.go?"you asked.

They all nodded .

"Ok.we . take .one"

You led the first group to one of the exits.You looked sideways to see if anyone was near. Coast was clear.But just to make sure you exited first and saw nobody outside.You jogged around the area and still no one.You ran back to everyone else.

"!"you said.

The first group ran out joyfuly.

The same with the other two groups.

You were the last one inside.

Or so you thought....

You were about to leave when all the exits closed shut.

"No!"You cried"Not now!"

You fell to the ground crying.

You felt a sudden tap on your shoulder.

It was Lenka!

"L-Lenka why are you still here?"you asked.

"I wanted to stay a bit longer,and to make sure you made it out too,but it seems all the exits are closed..."

"What do we do?"

"You see that door over there,it's an emergency exit,go there."

"What are we waiting for, come on!"you grabbed Lenka's hand.

She pulled it back.

"Lenka,what's wrong?"

"I need to take care of a few things here..."then she chuckled ."Go now ,(y/n)."

A tear rolled down your face.

"See you...Lenka."

You got up and ran to the door.

It seemed different from all the rest,it had a red label on it with words in italian that seemed familiar to you.


"Ok class,let's learn a bit of italian today shall we?

'Boia',it means executioner,so in case you ever see a door like that stay away from it or you'll be sorry!"said your teacher.

(End of flashback)

Your eyes widened when you remembered the word,that was what the red label meant.

You were halfway to the door when you were about to turn back that the door swung open.

People In coats stood there with knives,drills,machetes,chainsaws,and anything that can possibly kill you.

You ran back and ward footsteps behind you.

you looked forward and didn't see Lenka anywhere.

Why did she leave?

Why did she tell you to go to that door?

You ran to the spot where you last saw Lenka and looked sideways . No Lenka.

You ran past a few doors and then you found yourself at a dead end.

The executioners were running at you,going to kill you.

Then suddenly,a door swung open and Lenka stood there with a machete.

"This is for killing my friends!"

She charged at the crowd and sliced bodies and crushed bones .

"(Killing?Did those people die?That can't be true !But could that be the reason Lenka didn't leave,to not die and avenge her friends?That seems believable.)"you thought.

"Grrah! (y/n), get out of here!The door , it has the exit! It's really there!Now go!"cried Lenka"I'll meet up with you there,hurry!"

"O-ok. I'll meet you there!"you said

You ran past the corpses and headed to the door.

Lenka finished off a few more people and walked over to the last person .

She cut off his legs and one hand.Then she stabbed the guy in the back.He was still alive.

"I'll let you die slowly...."

She turned back and started walking when she felt the guy grab her ankle and pull her down.


You heard her and ran back.You grabbed her outstretched hand and started to pull her your way.

"Let her go!"you barked.

Surprisingly the guy let her go.

Lenka got up and smashed his head open.

"Last time i'll be doing that."she chuckled.

You two ran to the door.

"It's back here ,come on!"

She said.

You stepped out first .

"Finally free!"you said .

Lenka was about to step out when she stopped.

"Lenka!?"you cried .


Look for part 4!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2014 ⏰

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Reader x yandere Tsuna 3Where stories live. Discover now